Our final plan.

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3rd POV:

Just as they defeated Ludociel, the four of them took a break. Although, Cynthia and Mela warned the two lovebirds about The demon king's plan; They had to decided to rest first and then go defeat the 10 commandments afterwards. However, Cynthia and Mela couldn't see the future vision of what Mari was planning with her older brother, Zeldris.

"A fairy..? That seems interesting, brother." "It is, and it will work. The spell is onto this one. So let's send them to Meliodas' location!" Her brother smirked, as he used his teleportation for the fairy to appear before Meliodas. "That will teach that filthy goddess not to manipulate our older sister like that." "Heh, thank you brother. We will get you where you belong, Ellie." Mari smiled as she watch the fairy disappears before her. The barrier that Cynthia has made has broke, which made her power "barrier" go off.

"THERES SOMEONE HERE. Meliodas, you need to LEAVE, take Elizabeth with you. Me and Mela will hold them off." Cynthia grabs her weapon from behind her back, teaming up with Mela. "No way. I'm staying here, I sense it's a fairy. Maybe they wanted to stay here cause of the war." Meliodas goes out to the entrance, trying to prove his point to Cynthia. There they saw a fairy, rushing towards to him. "Oh shit, that ain't no ordinary fairy, you're right-" In a matter of time, Mela pushes him out of the way to save him. "Don't be so naive, Meliodas! Not everyone you meet is nice.."

Unfortunately the sword misses Meliodas and inserts through Elizabeth's body instead. "I'm Lucy, apart of the fairy clan. The plan was to take down Meliodas but as for me, I wanted to take her down instead. She had murdered a bunch of fairies not too long ago." "I-I was forced too by my father." Elizabeth responds, she grabs the handle and tries to grab it out. "Isn't this.. the goddess sword..?" "Damn right it is, even the most superior goddesses and demons are scared of it; it might even kill you due to the light powers such as ark." Lucy explains as they laugh in laughter, disappearing into thin air.

"Meliodas! You need to help her or else she will die in a few moments.." Mela says as she watches in fear, holding onto Cynthia. The demon princess lays down onto the ground, weakly holding the handle. "So this is the sword that your mother made, huh? Just to kill demons like me.." Meliodas nods, "But i promise you, you will come out alive. Just let me help you.." He grabs the sword with all of his strength, trying his best to get out of her body. "I'll help you, brother." A voice whispered into his ear, helping him lift the sword out of her body. Mela and Cynthia begins to heal her wounds right away.

"No.. it can't be.." Meliodas turns around to see the ghost spirit of his sister. "Is it really you.. Emma?!" "It really is me, brother. Im sorry you have to see me like this." Emma wipes her tears off her face and off of his. She looks around and sees the 3 people behind him, "I see.. you have found someone already. Tell me what's her name?" "Her name is Elizabeth. I truly like her and I hope to be with her soon." The prince says as he smiles right at her. "I could tell she's a keeper. Hopefully one day I'll meet her, when im reincarnated into this world again. Hopefully when the war is over."

"Meliodas I have to go back to the other side. Just promise me one thing. Never EVER go back to the goddess realm." She goes in for a hug after, hugging him tightly. "Of course, sis. I promise you that. Just be safe back there for me, I promise you I'll find you one of these days." "Goodbye brother.." Those were Emma's last words to him before she disappeared into the air above. "Is She okay now..?" Meliodas asked as he rushed into her arms. "I'm fine.." She wraps her body with some paper to keep her wounds closed, "we need to plan how to take them down before.. the holy war is over." The three of them nodded in agreement and discussed their plan in order to avoid chaos from happening..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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