Trouble begins

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3rd POV:

"What's in it for me, goddess?" The demon wiped her own blood off her face. "Freedom, of course. I know deep inside of you, you really wanna be free like me. From your father." 'Impossible.. how the hell did he read my mind?' Elizabeth gave out a shock look as she read in her mind quietly. 'Son of a bitch.. how does he know..? However, I cannot give in.. it's a sign of weakness...' "Fine I'll help you but under one condition." "Sure, what is it, Elizabeth?" "My servant- I mean my friend Cynthia joins us as well. She's the only one I can think of and that I trust.."

Meliodas noticed how sweet and how nice she was. Shocking to himself, he couldn't help but ask "Your father.. he doesn't love you either, right..?" Elizabeth's face flustered and causing her to blush easily, "Don't ask me something foolish as that.. I don't even understand the meaning of Love." "But that's literally your commandment..-" Mela said as the power of Elizabeth's has broke. "It's nothing like that. It's just that if you show hate or hatred before her, you won't be able to fight her, except that doesn't affect the four archangels." Cynthia responded to the goddess in front of her. "Anyways, I think we should create a group with other allies such as giants, fairies, vampires, goddesses, and the humans." "Fine but are you gonna recruit them?" Meliodas nodded yes, and flew his way to the fairy forest where he found the fairy king and the giant king together.

Mari's POV:

"SHE WHAT??" I yelled in anger. I looked at my friend, Derieri, in the face. "Are you even sure that's right..?" "I just felt her power go down, she's not moving, Mari. But we will see if she comes by today, just don't worry." The demon said, as her beloved, Monspeet, gave her a signal to leave me alone for a while. 'Stay alive for me.. Elizabeth..' I slammed my fists to the ground, which made a big damage to the concrete.

Elizabeth is everything to me, she's like a sister to me. More of, she's my bestfriend. After we were born, we became closer than anyone from our clan; we would always make trouble which made her father, the demon king, mad. When Elizabeth was rewarded with the commandment of love, she became busy with her duties which I understood. So I was trying my best not to bother her, but then I heard the news where she was struck down and nearly killed; we all felt it and it broke my heart..

3rd POV:
While Mari felt this way, Meliodas finally got the fairy and giant king to join, which they recruited almost every member from each clan to join stigma. "There, all join, Ellie. Now, the first meeting starts tomorrow." Elizabeth deactivated her demon mark from her face, "I'm going to return my commandment tomorrow morning. Even if my father calls me a traitor or whatever, then I will leave the clan and be on my own. However, I don't want you to protect me whether we go to the war with the other demons, alright Meliodas?" "I-.. fine, as you wish." "Yeah yeah but are you guys still gonna need us while you're fighting though?" Mela and Cynthia both asked while they held on to each other.

"Of course! We will need the help we can get." Meliodas smiled brightly at them. He looked up at the sun, only to see bright light shining on Elizabeth. 'Oh no. Damn it, Ludociel.-'
Elizabeth then became trapped inside of a 'omega ark' which was burning her body and her face as well. "HEY WHAT GIVES? I KNEW THIS WAS A DAMN TRAP, I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU, MELIODAS!!.." She says as she glares at Meliodas, who was looking up at that evil archangels. "LUDOCIEL, she wasn't hurting me, leave her! She'll die if you don't let go.." "Oh, sir Meliodas.. that's the plan! Every filthy demon has to go, even her..!"

However as they were talking, Elizabeth broke the ark from using her dark power, 'Hell removal' which was just dark magic that could remove any spell that is cast on her. "Now you're asking for it, damn archangel. The war is starting.. HELLBLAZE!!" "Stigma members, we need you here at the enchanted forest ASAP. Whoever is closer, please come, Ellie is in trouble..!" Meliodas delievered the message as he tried to help Elizabeth defeat Ludociel, who was trying to take down the demon. "Step aside, Meliodas! This is a damned demon that started this shit. I'll just end her suffering." "Fine, you wanna help her. I will kill you too.."

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