Chapter 54

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"What?" It came as a shock to me. I never expected them to be related," But you're Elijah Berryman, aren't you?"

"My parents were divorced." He sat down on a peach bean bag and I sat opposite to him, on the couch," Long time back."

I remained quiet.

"He'll join us soon." He said, glancing at the wall clock. He offered me water but I refused to drink because I was getting goosebumps all over my body.

"How did you know I was being haunted?" I asked, thinking it was a good way to start rather than wailing that Ethan creeped me out once and comforted me next moment and It was all terrifying.

"Supernatural phenomena interests me. I've studied about it and learnt a lot from my grandmother. She's exorcist in our hometown, as I told you earlier. She lives in seclusion because people don't believe her and think she's a lunatic." 

" believe her?" 

"I do. People don't want to believe in the existence of something they can't see. But the truth is, it's there, around us."  

"Can you...see them?" I asked and he responded with a chuckle," I understand them. I think of reasons as to why they are still here and whether they can pose harm to anyone or not."

"But I could see him. I saw his face."

"That's a first." He said intriguingly, leaning in closer," What did he look like?"

"He looked like himself." 

"I wish I could see him too." He slumped backwards and cracked his knuckles. I couldn't believe he thought that. Even though he was interested in spirits and all the dark sides of the world, how could he say that to someone like me, who was being haunted, with so much ease?

"It's not as fun as you think." I snapped. I was about to lose it.

"You should consider yourself lucky to be able to see him. Besides, you said he looks normal so just treat him like a human." The words escaped his mouth effortlessly and I lost it.

"He's not visible all the time. I can't even tell if he's there or not. I can't change clothes, shower or sleep peacefully. Every time he does something, I feel like I'm inches away from getting a heart attack and you think it's lucky?!"  I nagged.

"He doesn't mean to harm you. Don't overthink." 

"He creeped me out the day before and you say he doesn't intend to harm me?! I almost got myself killed in a car accident because he was after me. He made me think I was going insane, yet he didn't stop, knowing and seeing everything. Does he not see how much I'm afraid of him?" I stood up.

"Calm the fuck down. You have to communicate with him. That's the only way." 

"He doesn't talk to me- I don't know what else I'm supposed to do. I'm only here to get rid of him. Help me if you can otherwise I'm- I don't..." I sat back down, burying my head between my palms and started crying," I don't know what to do..."

"You need to take baby steps. Find out why he's chosen you. There must be a reason. Try to help him."

"I don't want to!" I yelled," I'm sorry Ethan but please leave me alone." I said, looking around the room.
Before we continue, relax. Take deep breaths. If you've gotten that 'angry for no reason' attitude out of your head then think about the things she went through and not just the paranormal activity but also things with Edwin and losing Stace. I personally wouldn't tolerate if it was my bias's spirit cuz it's a completely new phenomenon which i don't understand and believe in- what do you expect her to do? Say 'okay I will help you'? Please don't hate a character so quickly when I've spent so much thinking into creating them.

"Don't say that to him if you want yourself to be safe." He said and sat beside me when the door creaked open and his dad, Mr. Cooper stepped in. He nodded and greeted me with a smile before he sat down at the table in the centre on the room. I wiped away my tears and sat attentively.

"Could you move over?" Mr. Cooper requested me to sit opposite to the table he was sitting at. I stood up nervously and walked over, taking a seat while Elijah continued to sit at the couch, far in another corner. I didn't know what he thought of me after I lied to him about not knowing a thing. He must've resented me for being pathetic.

"Before I start questioning you, I want you to know the truth about Ethan's death, for It might awaken your sleeping conscience, if you have one." He said something so bitter in a sweet tone that I felt ashamed of myself. I lowered my head, ready to hear whatever truth he was talking about.

"I won't provide you with any details to the case because I simply don't trust you," He breathed out," Ethan Miler was murdered."

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