Chapter 38

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"No, but a ghost is." (Recap)

"Okay, and? It's haunting you?" I laughed.

"Not me, but you." He said.

"You don't even know anything. Get lost before your girlfriend sees you with me and creates a scene." I snapped.

"First, I know everything. Stace told me everything that's been happening to both of you. Second, she's absent today and why would she create a scene even if she saw us together?" He asked.

"That bitch can't be trusted with anything." I sighed and rested my back on the pillar beside me.

"Look, i don't care if you had beef with her, just tell her to stop talking about me." I said.

"You agree with me, though. Don't you?" He folded his arms.

"Huh? About what?" I asked.

"That you're being haunted."

"When did I say that? Are you high?" I asked.

"You didn't argue either." He said with a smirk on his face and walked away.

Who would haunt me? This guy's defected. I just need a psychiatrist. I'm not going to Stace's uncle because I don't trust her anymore. I need to find a psychiatrist who can be trusted with my problems.

Mom had come to pick me up, so i didn't have to walk all the way home in the cold like i did everyday.

"How was school?" She asked as i fastened my seat belt.

"You don't ask me that usually." I laughed,"It was normal, like it's always been."

"Good, I heard about the prom from your dad. Why is he the only one who knows about these things?" She asked jokingly.

"I didn't even tell him anything about it. He comes to know somehow." I said.

"So, are you going?" She asked.

"Nope, you know me." I sighed.

City hospital-

"Do you think we should move him to a better hospital?" Mom asked me as we walked towards dad's ward.

"He's recovered, hasn't he?" I asked back.

"Well, they ran all those CT Scans and X-rays to be sure his nuts aren't loose." She sighed," You know him, he's paranoid."

We entered his ward only to see him dozing off with his laptop on.

"He must be tired from working." Mom said and placed the laptop on the table.

"I'll leave you here then," she paused and pulled out the keys," Don't stay here for long. You need to cook yourself dinner as well. I'll be working overnight."

"" I stuttered at the thought of sleeping alone at home. The bunch of keys were ringing in my hands as i fidgeted them between my fingers.

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