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Let's just say that I should have listened to Kelsey. The lunch date started out great, but in the middle of it, he got a call from Kendall. She said it was an "emergency." Jack didn't hesitate and got up and left the second he hung up the phone. He left me at some random restaurant, sitting at a table, alone. I ended up treating myself to lunch regardless. What do I look like letting a man waste my time? I deleted Jacks number on my way back to the apartment. I really have to stop getting myself into these situations. Might as well stop it before it has even started.

Kelsey was just waking up once I walked in the door. She groaned and looked up at me from the couch.

"You know that it's almost two in the afternoon, right?" I asked, kicking my shoes off and sitting beside her.

"I didn't sleep good. This couch sucks." She answered, covering her head with the blanket that she was buried under.

"Turns out, you have a bed." I said, sarcastically. She mocked me.

"Are you going out tonight?" I asked her as I stood up and walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, we're going to some small college bar tonight. Why? Are you interested?" She sat up.

I grabbed a glass out of the cabinet and filled it with water. "Maybe." I said.

"If you go, you have to promise me that you will actually enjoy yourself. I'm not dealing with miserable Elise tonight." Bitch.

Kelsey and I agreed that I will at least try to have a good time tonight. No drama, no boys, no boy drama. I was informed that Jack was not going to be present in the group tonight due to an "emergency." I didn't tell Kelsey about what happened at lunch. I didn't feel like hearing her say "Now, I tried to tell you Elise."

I made sure to put on the hottest outfit that I own, excluding heels. I have had too many drunken accidents due to heels.

Kelsey, Sam, Jack Andrews and I all piled into our Uber and pre-gamed on the way to the bar. I made it a point to not even look at Sam. I was kind of hoping that he wasn't going to be with us either. I know better than that though.

The bar wasn't too far from our apartment, thankfully. It was small and mainly outdoors. The giant sign on the front spelled out "Scraps." Odd name for a bar, but it fit the aesthetic. There were tons of people filling the patio, as you can expect in a college town. We all found a table while Kelsey went inside to get us our first round of drinks.

"You look very nice tonight Elise." Sam said, almost in a shy tone.

I just gave him a short and sweet, "thank you" as I looked around. This place seemed more chill and reserved compared to the parties that Kelsey has taken me to in the past. Definitely not her style.

"So, what made you guys pick this place?" I asked.

"We wanted to have a more relaxed night, tonight. Parties can get to be too much sometimes." Andrews replied.

I nodded and looked over at Kelsey walking back with a tray in her hand. There were an assortment of different colored drinks laid out.

"I got a bunch of crushes. Pick a color, any color." She sat them on the table and we each picked one up. "Cheers to a drama free night." Kelsey raised her drink up.

"Cheers." We all said in unison.

Three crushes in and I was already half way wasted. You could say that I am a tad bit of a light weight.

We all ended up finding a small dance floor at the back of the bar. Dance floors are my weakness. We somehow managed to get a good bit of people in the bar to join along with us. I was actually having a good time for once. I was really proud of myself.

"Who wants to do shots?" Kelsey yelled over the music.

"What happened to a chill night out?" Sam asked.

"Oh fuck it. Live a little." I said, following Kelsey to the bar with the guys behind me. I don't remember how many shots I had or much after the fact.

I groaned and squinted my eyes as the morning sun flooded the room. I rolled over and my arm touched something warm next to me. I peeled my eyes opened and saw a man lying next to me. My eyes widened. Sam. Oh no. I jolted out of the bed and realized that I was only in my bra and underwear. There's no way that what I think happened, happened. Sam groaned and I started scrambling to find my clothes.

"Elise?" He mumbled and started to roll over. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Where are my clothes?" He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Uh, living room, I think." My jaw dropped and I rushed out of the room. Sam followed behind me.

"Did you seriously bring me back here last night and hook up with me? God, you are so screwed up." I pick my clothes up off of the floor and throw on my shirt.

"What? We didn't sleep together. You didn't feel good and wanted to leave and I was the only one willing to go with you." Sam explained.

I tugged my pants up onto my waist. "Why wouldn't you just take me home then? You really expect me to believe that?" I walked back into his room to find my phone.

"My place was closer. I also wanted to make sure that you were alright." He followed.

"So then why was I half naked and asleep in your bed?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Because you were uncomfortable. I tried to offer you one of my shirts, but you refused. You're kind of stubborn." He grabbed a shirt from his drawer and pulled it on over his head.

"Whatever. I have class." I said, walking out of his room and to his front door.

"I can take you." He offered, walking behind me.

"Absolutely not." I walked out.

I called Kelsey to pick me up so I could at least put on a new change of clothes. I probably reek of sweat and booze. Sitting through a lecture is the last thing that I want to be doing right now. My bed was calling my name.

I rushed to the lecture hall. I was ten minutes late and I looked it also. I still had leftover mascara under my eyes and my hair looked like I had rented it out to a family of birds for the night.

I quietly snuck into my creative writing class and took a seat in the back. The professor was already rambling on about whatever was written on the board. I tried to keep up and at least scribble down a few notes so that I wouldn't be completely pissed at myself later.

"Hello? Wake up." I felt someone nudging me. I groaned. "Class is over." They whispered.

I shot my head up and looked around to see an empty class. I looked to my left and saw a blonde girl smiling at me.

"Oh shit, I didn't mean to fall asleep. Damn it." I sat up and she laughed.

"We've all been there. I figured I would go ahead and wake you before Professor Green found out." The girl said, letting out a small chuckle.

I gave her a half smile and grabbed my things. "I appreciate it." I stood up and started walking out.

"I'm Hailey by the way." She followed next to me.

"Elise." I responded.

"It's nice to meet you Elise. I'm trying to make it a point to introduce myself to more people. I'm a first year and haven't made too many friends yet." She explained. I nodded.

"Well I am always up for new friends." I smiled. We ended up exchanging numbers and going on our own ways.

I didn't do much after class. I passed out after basically inhaling a McDonalds cheeseburger. I got a text from, who I am assuming, was Jack. I quickly ignored and deleted it. I felt rude, but it also felt rude to get ditched.

Kelsey ended up staying in for the night. We made dinner together and watched movies. It felt like old times. I made a vow to myself to no longer go out when I have class the next day. I am clearly too weak for that.

Under the InfluenceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz