Chapter Eight

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Imprisoned in insomnia, I lay on my back studying every aspect of the ceiling. Once again, Honey is snoring yet the lack of Simon leaves me alone without anyone to converse with. While asleep, the night zips by yet awaiting a glimpse of day drags when sleep evades.

I roll over and stare at Simons spot wishing that he'd be lying there instead of wherever in the school he has relocated to. I regret confessing to him because if I hadn't, at least we'd still be friends. All I've done since I arrived is ruin Honey and Simons way of life and hurt Simon to the point where he refuses to sleep in the head teachers office.

While I loath the sensation of watching the night crawl by, I'm also thankful for my insomniac state. Tonight is a full moon which always triggers the strangest dreams. I'd prefer a night of wakefulness then one filled with the repeated nightmare of my three baby sisters being ripped to shreds. While none of them were babies, I cannot help but label them that since they were all so young when they died.

I'm about to role over and attempt to settle when the door is thrown open and a torch light beams into the room. I sit up, squinting against the light to find Simon in the doorway, his expression frantic.

"Simon?" Despite the awkward tension between us ever since our conversation, the desperation and fear on Simons face is enough to shove those emotions far out of the way for the time being.

"There's someone else in the school."


I'm beginning to wish that I hadn't insisted that we split up. After the world fell to the virus, it also soon fell to darkness as well after all the electricity went out. Due to the lack of natural lighting, the hallways and classrooms are bathed in an eerie darkness that can hardly be pierced by the weak beam of my power starved tortch.

Simons frightening announcement has triggered him, Honey and I to split to different parts of the school in attempt to located and apprehend our intruder. One would think that we'd be thrilled to hear of another surviver yet desperate times cause for desperate measures meaning that whoever they are could be desperate enough to turn on us. After all, it's every human for themselves out here.

I run my hand along the bobbly wall to feel the turns and paths of the school which are invisible in this dark. The constant sensation of being watched sends a shiver down my spine and adds a prickle to my skin. I've never had a fear of the dark yet I'm beginning to understand the reasoning behind one.

Just as I turn the corner, I hear the sound of tapping feet to the side of me. I shine my torch beam around in hope to locate the mystery imposter yet they appear to be too quick to be caught by the beam.

"I know you're there. Just show yourself." I hiss through the darkness. While I understand that the simple gesture of speach will do little to coax the human out, I attempt the method anyway. "I mean you no harm. I'm literally only a sixteen-year-old boy who has to constantly remind himself that the undead deserve death over their suffering. I could never kill another human."

"Book shop?" A voice hisses and despite their lack of explanation, I instantly understand their question.

"Yes. My friends and I are the ones who left you those messages." I reply hastily so not to scare them away. A brief moment ticks by before the imposter finally steps into the weak torch light.

"Hiya Danny." They say causing me to gasp in surprise. The figures long black hair cascades down their back and their brown eyes shine with curiousity. Their pale skin contrasts the dark clothing they've resulted to wearing to benefit them when attempting to blend in.

"Val?" I gasp and they beam at me.

"The one and only." Val Cheng responds with a flash on their wonky front teeth. I study Val, unable to comprehend how real they appear as they stand before me with their stunning smile.

"I knew I recognised the handwriting." I state as I recall the two years of sitting besides Val in science. After everything that's occured, I've dismissed the idea of anyone else I know turning out alive. I was able to except meeting Honey and Simon yet meeting Val feels so surreal. After all, I never knew Honey or Simon while Val and I used to get on well.

"I didn't recognise your handwriting though." They inform me and I smile at the thought of saving them from the cripplingly loneliness that has plagued the last survivers of this epidemic.

"It wasn't mine. It was Simon's."

"Who's Simon?" They ask tilting their head to one side with confusion.

"We've got a lot to catch up on."


"My grandmother wasn't turned at first since after the information on the virus was leaked, we both went into lock down. We most likely could have stayed that way but we ran out of food after the first month leading to us having to venture out. I pleaded for her to remain safely at home but she'd promised my mother that she'd care for me so off we went together.
After she was infected I fled back to her house to stay. It didn't take long for me to descover that the virus was transmitted through infection of an open wound. Hence how the zombies bite transmits it. I spent a few days camping out in the book shop which is where I jotted down my descoveries and attempted to think up a cure.
A few weeks back, I decided to descover what the rest of the world looked like and was going to travel in a car yet the engine had other plans. I fled after the horrid bang afraid that I'd attract zombies.
I've been searching for food and sheltering in my grandmother's house this whole time. I was convinced that I was the only human left other then the one who was leaving the writings in that book. It wasn't until last night when I saw a torch light in the textiles room that I realised that humanity was closer then expected. I decided to investigate and here I am now."

"I'm sorry to hear about your gran." Honey says sympathetically once Val's finished explaining their account of the apocalyptic dystopian we now exist in.

"We've all lost something." Val states with a pained smile and Honey looks away clearly ashamed at not being able to relate.

"Are you going to stay with us now?" I ask hoping that their answer is yes. While Val and I may not have been the bestest of friends, we were close at school and it'd be nice to reminisce those jovial memories in these dark times.

"If you'll have me." Val replies and I turn to Honey.

"Definitely. Isn't that right Simon?" Honey says before we all turn to Simon who's sitting alone from the crowd. Simon remains silently picking at his fraying hoodie sleeve.

"Simon?" I repeat in attempt to gain his attention yet he remains quiet. I open my mouth to repeat the question but before I can, he shrugs as his answer to Val staying.

"I don't have to if..."

"He's always like this with new people, give him a day or two." Honey quickly assures Val and they beam at her. Honey beams back and I'm sensing that they both see something in each other that no one else may see. Something deeper and loving.


"I don't think Simon likes me." Val states once we've all slept to freshen up. Honey and Simon have gone to locate breakfast and I decided to remain behind with Val to show them the ropes of what it's like living here.

"He's a clossed off person. Just give him time." I assure them as I recall Simon's first reaction to me. He never spoke until he thought absolutely necessary so it isn't Val he's taken a disliking to but the entirety of the human race.

"Do you get on with him?" Val asks and I sigh.

"I did until I tried to kiss him."

"Doesn't he like you back?"

"He might. It's just that, he's ace and sees it more as a barrier then a preference. He doesn't think that he can give me what I want." I explain and Val nods slowly looking sympathetic.

"And what do you want?" They ask curiously.


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