Chapter Three

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I watch as Honey clambers over the metal fence surrounding the school and land perfectly on the other side. She turns to Simon and I and waves her hand, beckoning for us to follow.

"You first." Simon says a weary look on his face. I go to remind him that he can trust me but the gesture seems pointless since I doubt we'll ever get to the stage where he feels he can confide in me.

I grab the highest point on the fence I can reach before clambering up and jumping down to the other side. Unlike Honey, I stumble as I land but manage to stay on my feet. I turn to witness Simon effortlessly scale the fence and land neetly on the other side.

"So, where are we going?" I whisper as we start to creep down the abandoned road. Weeds have started to push through cracks in the concrete turning the road into a cracked and overgrown surface.

"We need food." Honey says as he removes her gun from her waistband and clicks it off of safety. I hold my blades in a white knuckled grip and turn to see that Simon isn't holding a weapon. I want to say something about it but now that we're out in the open, we cannot talk without the risk of being overheard.


Once deep within the city, the atmosphere grows thick and anxious. I glance around us, surveying the area in case of a rare lone undead warrior who's been separated from the pack and is starving.

"Honey." Simon hisses causing me to jump in surprise. There hasn't been the sound of anything but nature so his voice alarms me.


"Please." He pleads a little too loudly for my liking. Honey sighs but then nods causing Simon to do a short yet cute dance of victory. He then races towards a small shop with grimy windows and a still intact door. Honey beckons me to follow so I do.

Once inside, Honey shoves a desk in the doorway to prevent the door from being opened and then turns to Simon.

"Seriously?" She snaps and I finally understand her recation. Shelves of book suround us and the scent of new literature overpowers the usual scent of rotting flesh that has come the normal in todays society. Whatever society is left anyway.

"I finished the last book days ago." Simon protests as he carefully scans the colourful spines for something eye-catching. I watch him with a furrowed eyebrow before turning to Honey who's shaking her head in disapproval.

"He is honestly the biggest nerd on the planet." She states before flopping down into one of the many armchairs that lay scattered around the shop for members of family visiting the shop with the bookworms and understand that the book choosing prosses can take a good few hours.


"Someones been here." Simon suddenly states snapping Honey and I out of our dull daydreams and occasional whisper of complaint.

"What do you mean?" Honey asks him as she stands and strolls to reach his side. I follow to see Simon holding a book with a dog-eared page.

"I scanned through this book last week meaning that someone has touched it since I was here." He explains as he fiddles with the corner like he's itching to correctly fold the corner but doesn't know of he should leave evidence of this existence.

"Are you sure you didn't do that?" I ask not wanting to jump to a conclusions instantly.

"I would never destroy a book like this." Simon states coldly and I nod innocently. Such mutalation to a book clearly isn't something he would cause.

"The undead wouldn't have the ability to do that." Honey states as she takes the book from Simon and begins to search the pages for anymore abnormalities. "There's also some writing to the side on this page."

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