It's Not Her Time

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Prompt: Evangeline gets hurt or someone tries to attack her and Jacks gets really possessive

Timeline: Towards the end of OUABH

Written before OUABH 2

🚩WARNING: Jacks is obviously a very morally grey character so be warned of descriptions and acts of violence 🚩

   Evangeline had never walked the Magnificent North like she was now. Free of promises to Queens or traitorous Fates following close behind. Just free to step on the sidewalk and truly look at the city without the lens of fright on.

The towns of the North were dim and reflected blue. Shining like the snow that covered the ground and rooftops. Every now and then Evangeline would pass a puddle that hadn't been frozen yet. Mostly likely poured by the boatsmen while doing their activities. She made sure to jump in each of them, splashing the water fruitfully onto the frozen snow filled grass. It may have gotten her boots wet and slightly muddied with dirt, but her father always used to say it was good luck, and luck was something  Evangeline definitely needed in her life.

Evangeline paused as she splashed another puddle. She had been walking for an hour now and hadn't kept track of where she was- it was only supposed to be a little stroll around the block. The sun was beginning to set, she realized, she wouldn't get home before the darkness of night swept the North.

Evangeline cursed under her breath, debating on what to do.

"You look lost, love"

She swirled around to be meant with a dark haired man. He seemed to be a little older than her, towering over her. Adorning a black vest, her first warning should've been the lack of a cravat at his throat. Jacks also lacked one sometimes, as well did some other men back in Valenda, which meant this man was like Jacks. The thought of someone like him sent shivers up her spine. It would be better to lie then let him know the truth.

"No, no, I'm just on my way to meet someone. Thank you for your concern, however"

Sounds of cloth scraping on concrete followed Evangeline as she turned to leave. Something all to strong wrapped around her middle, lifting her up and pushing her against the brick wall in the dark alleyway she had been trying to avoid. Strong sharp silver kissed her throat as he held a knife to the soft skin of the base, trailing it up.

"Now where's your money d-"

"Evangeline, darling, you didn't tell me you had a stalker"

An all to familiar voice filled with dark amusement made them both look to it's blonde haired source.

Jacks bit into a death colored apple as he leaned against the opposite wall, clad in white and red- two colors that weren't usually worn at this time of night.

   Her attacker spoke up but hadn't lowered the metal from her skin, "I'm not her stalker, I'm a thief there's a difference"

   "Be a dear and let my pet go"

   The man scoffed, almost offended Jacks would respond to him as if he had never spoken, "I think I'd rather keep her, since you seem to want her back so terribly-"

   He gently grabbed her jawline and moved it left to right, "-she is quite pretty after all"

   Cold skin meant hers as she slapped his hand away, "I'm not some object, I don't belong to you"

   "The little fox is right" Jacks said as he appeared before her grabbing the man's wrist and squeezing so roughly it looked like he would loose circulation, "accept while I still have a deal with her, she belongs to me. And I'm not too fond of sharing what's mine"

   With a snap it was clear the dark haired man's wrist bone was cleaved into two. A string of cursed flew through the air as he hit the ground, clutching his hands.

   Jacks stood over him, a knife in his hand, "I am a Fate after all. A fate you just pissed off"

   Evangeline blanched, "why are you telling him your a Fate he's gonna blab it to the whole town?"

   "Because, little fox, he's going to die anyway"

   "You don't have to kill him"

   "Your adorable" he teased, "now close your eyes, darling"

   She followed his wishes as sounds of gore and metal hitting skin disgraced her ears. The smell of death and bad decisions lingered in the air.

   "Wait" Evangeline paused, her eyes still sealed tightly, "how did you know where I was? And how did you know I was in trouble?"

   The music of blood still flowed through the faint air of the North, telling her the question hadn't even made Jacks pause.

   "I always know where you are"


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