Rainy Night

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Prompt: Evangeline has a nightmare and wakes Jacks up through their bond

Timeline: towards the end of OUABH

Written before OUABH 2

Time was ticking through Evangeline's heart quicker than her thoughts could flow. Pacing and pacing and pacing around in her mind, freezing her as if she were having a paralysis episode.

Her throat seized up and her heart pounded, tracing circles around her ribs inside her own body. Thoughts floated about her mind, trickling their venom from what she had just witnessed. The
feeling getting tighter and tighter until-

   Little Fox, I know you might like to spend your nights awake and moving about, but I do not.

   Evangeline froze and took a deep breath. Jacks could anger her like no other, but also calm her down faster than anyone else could ever attempt to strangely.

   I do not spend my nights like this you ass.

  I don't care.

   Then why'd you bring it up?

   Dear lord, just sleep fox.

   The last reply came out as more of a beg than a request. But Evangeline knew Jacks wouldn't beg to anyone, least of all her.

   Cool fabric brushed against her cheek as she flipped her body onto her side, attempting to get sleep after the nightmare she had gone through.

   Strangely enough, she didn't remember much about where it happened. Only that someone was chasing her, faster and faster and faster. Whenever she found a way to get farther, they would simply get closer. Closer and closer and closer, until their hands were gently grasping her neck pulling it tight. She gasped for air and-

   Why are you still up?

   Evangeline huffed and rolled her eyes.

   Cry a river.

   Bold thing to say to a fate.

   What are you gonna do? Kill me? You need me

   I've told you once and I'll say it again, everyone is replaceable.

   Evangeline considered her answer before replying.

   Am I?

  She snuggled herself closer into the soft blanket, only expecting his silence as a response. But after a few moments of nothing his voice laced itself into her mind again.

   What was your nightmare about?

    She recoiled.

   I never told you I had a nightmare.

   I'm aware.

   Then how did you-

   Don't worry about it and just answer before I lose interest.

   The corners of her mouth lifted up slightly at his quick demeanor.

I was being chased and someone grabbed my throat. But the way they grabbed it was gentle, almost. Maybe it was a fate or-

What does this have to do with you not being able to sleep now that you know it wasn't real?

Evangeline stiffened. If she was being truthful with herself, she knew why. Telling Jacks means he could use it against her, and he most likely would. But at this point she was already over her head, what was the point of keeping it all inside herself.

Rain hit the windows like needles in her heart, almost as if warning her she was making a mistake.

She probably was.

It doesn't matter if it was real or not. I'm afraid it was and someone is coming for me.

Little fox, who in their right mind would come after you? Especially when your engaged to a prince.

I don't know maybe people who know what your trying to do and see I'm apart of it.

No one knows what I want with you but me.

You don't know that! And while we're on subject-

Evangeline. I won't let anyone get close enough to you to even touch the fabric of your dress. And if they somehow do I can personally promise you I will show them an end so horrifying, hell will cry all its tears in empathy. Especially a Fate.

Evangeline had never heard someone sound so calm when describing such a blatantly threatening sentiment. He said the words with such nonchalance as if what he was saying wasn't most likely murder. The last line of his proclamation had her curiosity flowing.

Why are Fates so jealous of other Fates?

I just promised to keep you safe why aren't you halfway back to your dreams by now?

Answer the damn question and I will.

A sound so quick muffled through her ears. If it hadn't gone and went so fast, she could've sworn it was a laugh.

It's just part of being a Fate. There isn't really an explanation.

There has to be more.

I'm sure there is.

Do you ever get jealous over me?

Of course I do, I'm a Fate it's what I do. Except when I'm jealous, you'll know it.

Evangeline giggled and rested her eyes, letting the calming sound of rain run down her windows.

Goodnight, Jacks

She had almost drifted off into nothingness before he responded.

Goodnight, Little Fox


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