I'm Indebted To You

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I'm Indebted To You

Daryl loudly slurped down his last strand of spaghetti, making Alexis wince. "Fanks," he then grunted, wiping his mouth with his shirt sleeve, before getting to his feet, ready to make an abrupt exit.

As his chair scraped across the floor, Eric glanced up at Daryl, his lips twitching. "You and your stomach calling it a night, then?" Eric asked Daryl as he took another sip of wine, looking more amused than ever.

"Yeah," Daryl said awkwardly, "some good grub, man."

Eric inclined his head at the compliment. "You know, I can pack you some lunch if you'd like," he then offered, his voice becoming hesitant, "I always used to rustle up Alexis a little something when she went out" -

- "Eric!" Aaron hissed, shaking his head vehemently, making Alexis glance curiously at him.

"Eric what?" Daryl said, face suddenly suspicious.

Eric looked at Aaron for a long moment, not understanding. "Oh," he then said, the penny finally dropping. "I thought it was done."

"What was done?" Alexis asked, confused.

"I haven't asked him yet," Aaron admitted to Eric, shooting Alexis a sidelong glance, confusing her even further.

"Asked me what?" Daryl demanded, narrowing his eyes.

Aaron bit his lip. "C'mon," he said, rising to his feet, indicating for Alexis and Daryl to follow. Exchanging a glance with Eric, Alexis obeyed, following Aaron out into the hall, Daryl trailing behind her, Eric limping at their heels, looking nervous and excited all at once.

"What's this all about, Aaron?" Alexis asked as he opened the side-door that led into the garage, craning her neck past his shoulder, only to see the stack of motorcycle parts Aaron collected.

"This is Daryl's show, not mine," Aaron explained, gesturing Daryl to step through, "although you're the one who got it rolling."

"Got what rollin'?" Daryl asked, starting to look put out.

"When I first got this place," Aaron said, taking Eric's hand, "there was that frame," he gestured to the motorcycle propped up against the wall, a green cloth flung over it, "and some parts and equipment – I originally kept them out back under some tarpaulin," he continued, "I was gonna turn the garage into a man-cave, but I never quite got round to it, much to Eric's relief." The two men shared a smile. "So whenever I came across more parts outside on runs," Aaron continued, "I brought them back, and built up quite the collection, as you can see. But I felt they needed a more... permanent base and moved them in here."

"And there thankfully endeth the dream of the man cave," Eric interjected, earning a roll of the eyes from Aaron.

"But what's all this for, man?" Daryl said in confusion, glancing around him, eyeing it all avariciously, still not understanding how he fitted into this.

"Well, you're going to need a bike, Daryl," Aaron said lightly, glancing at Alexis, who suddenly understood, "for when you go out there."

"Go out there why?"

"Alexis suggested the other night that you become a recruiter," Aaron said quietly, making Daryl glance sharply at Alexis, "and I suggested it to Deanna, who agrees with me, that you have the right qualities to go out there and help those in need." Deanna hadn't quite put it like that, only glad to finally give Daryl a job, but the fact she was starting to see Daryl in a new light was good enough for Aaron.

Daryl just scoffed, shaking his shaggy head in disbelief.

"I saw you with that horse, Daryl," Aaron snapped, "you managed to gain its trust when none of us could. I think that says something, don't you?"

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