The Space Between Us

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The Space Between Us

"Aaron offered us both houses for our use," Rick explained as they went down the hall, "just in case we wanted to split up our space, what with the couples canoodlin', christenin' the rooms and whatnot."

"Canoodle," Alexis smiled, turning into the dining room, "I haven't heard that word for a long time."

"I've never had much occasion to use it," Rick said, running his hand over the sideboard.

"Really?" Alexis said, glancing over her shoulder at him. "And I had you down as a veritable ladies' man."

"Well, you're wrong," Rick said tiredly, picking up a vase, turning it over in his hands. Dating had been a disaster for him during high school, Shane mocking him mercilessly, but then he'd met Lori, and as they fell in love, everything had fallen into place, Rick finally finding where he belonged.

"I imagine you and your wife will appreciate the privacy though," Alexis said almost absentmindedly, opening a drawer, only to close it again.

"My wife's dead," Rick snapped, making all the blood drain from Alexis's face.

"I-I'm sorry," she stuttered, running through her mind all the faces of the women in Rick's group, forcing her to revise her original opinions.

"Don't be," Rick said abruptly, turning away from her.

Alexis bit back the natural onslaught of new questions on her tongue, choosing instead to examine a Willow Tree 'Together' wooden ornament.

"Electricity, showers, haircuts," Rick said suddenly, startling her, "I never thought I would see those again."

"Just be grateful I didn't use that bowl on you," Alexis retorted.

"Is that a threat?"

"It depends on what light you look at it," Alexis countered smartly, taking him by the arm and leading him into the living room, only to stop short at the sight of his group sitting there, everybody's heads snapping up as they entered. "Oh," she said stupidly, dropping her hand to her side.

"Oh indeed," Rick said dryly, nodding at everyone, holding his arms out for Judith as Carl brought her over. "Hey there, sweetheart," he said quietly, dropping a kiss on her brow, "do you like the big house?"

Judith just gabbled something incomprehensible, hitting his chin with her tiny fist for good measure.

"With a punch like that, I think she's gonna be a heavyweight," Rick grinned at Carl, "Mike Tyson better watch out."

"If he's still about, that is," Carl said wryly.

"Do you want to look over next door?" Alexis said, turning to Rick, anxious to get away from everybody's accusing stares, feeling the full weight of the silent us/them ratio within the room.

"What, think I'll end up in Narnia if you're not there?" Rick said cuttingly, smoothing back Judith's hair. "Worried I might just open the wrong wardrobe door, huh?" Alexis just stared at him, and then suddenly she was gone, slamming the door behind her. Startled, Rick just stood there, before rushing after her, realising he'd made one rude remark too many. "Alexis," he called after her, something in his voice making Alexis stop halfway down the porch steps, forcing her to face him. "I'm - I'm sorry," he offered helplessly, his blue eyes almost but not quite begging.

Alexis exhaled sharply. "It's okay if you're not okay with this yet," she said, gesturing around at Alexandria, her voice cracking, "but I'm not going to be your whipping boy, alright?"

AS THE WORLD FALLS DOWN I RICK GRIMESWhere stories live. Discover now