Authors Note

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Hello everyone, How are you doing? I hope y'all are doing well. I just wanted to share some things with you all.

To whoever is reading my story,

Thank you so much for choosing this story.

This is my first time writing a story. Since I am a story lover, many people who posted their stories here inspired me. So to whomever you are, if I had read your story, let me tell you it was amazing. I wanted to write a story for a very long time. Publishing a book felt like a dream that I wanted to accomplish.

As I said, this was my first time writing a story because I knew that nobody was going to judge me here; in fact, they would help me. So my stamina just boosted, and I felt an urge to write a book.

I am more of a reader, so writing a story is a bit out of my league. but I am trying my best.

I have a reading list of finished books. So, maybe you can understand my love for reading.

Like I said, I thought y'all weren't going to judge me and help me. Some people don't care about the comments, but I am just not that big-hearted to brush them off. Please, I request that y'all don't drop off some comment filled with hatred or someone saying something mean about my story.

I have been writing this story for a very long time, since I was 15, and I finally felt like updating it.

So, I request that you please support me. I really would be grateful.

And whoever you are, if you feel like talking to someone, feel free to message me. As you don't know me and I don't know you, you will feel comfortable talking to someone and not worry about that person judging you.

I hope you like my story. Please tell me how it was.

Yours lovingly,


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