Chapter 21

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A few days later we went to their funeral.
Mum and dad didn't want to come, because they were too crushed by their son's death.
Molly was there too and she also told me that she was the one who checked that Sherlock and Jim were actually dead.
She was really a good friend and she was there for me and John.
A couple of days later the funeral, John and I, went to the cemetery.
We walked to Sherlock's grave and I put there some flowers.
-Maybe you weren't the best big brother all the time, but you were Sherlock, you have always been complicated. I know that even if you would never admit it out loud you cared for me, for Mycroft, for mum and dad, for Mrs Hudson and for John. And I never thanked you for all the times you warned me about my boyfriends. So thank you for not letting me dating some idiots. Probably I never said it but...I love you Sherl. And I miss you...- I said, while tears were scrolling down my face, and John hugged me.
-You told me once that you weren't a were times I didn't even think you were human, but, let me tell you this: you were the best man and human...human being I've ever known, and no-one will ever convince me that you told me a lie, that's...uh. There. I was so alone, and I owe you so much. Look, please, there's just one more thing, one more thing, one more miracle, Sherlock, for me. Don't. Be. Dead. Would you do that, just for me, just...stop it. Stop this!- John said at the grave, while my eyes we're tearing up.
I saw someone hiding behind a tree, with the corner of they eyes, but but didn't give much attention.
After that we found Jim's grave.
-Hi Jim. I...I don't really know what to say. I really can't believe you're gone. It seems yesterday that you confessed to me, after that Seb found us making out in your office. I'm not ready to let you go....and I...ehm...I don't even think I will ever be. Once you told me that you were not used to love and to be loved, I just think you were scared that's why you built up a wall for isolat yourself and not suffer. But I'm pretty happy that you opened up to me. hope you don't get mad because I won't live in the Manor anymore, but everything there remembers me of you. And this hurt me. Because...because I love you Jim. I really do.- I said, crying, placing the flowers and touching the cold stone.
-I know that you tried to kill me and you also kidnapped me but I can say that you loved her and she loves you. I don't know if you care about this, but...I forgave you. And I will look after her, and so will Mycroft and Sebastian. She's in good hands don't worry.- he said smiling sadly.
We left the cemetery and Mycroft come to us.
-Goodmorning Mycroft.- I said, quickly drying my eyes.
-Morning Mycroft.- John said.
-Morning to you too. I...I was thinking about invite a lunch today.- he said, awkwardly.
-Yeah. I'd like to.- I smiled softly.
-Yeah, I'm free so why not?- John answered.
We talked a little, while the car drove us to the a restaurant.
I ordered my favourite dish and drink, the same did Mycroft and John.
I took a sip of my drink and I almost spitted it out.
-What's wrong?- John asked.
-I don't know. This is my favourite drink, but it's taste awful.- I said, shrugging.
We finished eating than Mycroft brought us at Baker Street.
I felt that I needed to thrown up so I ran upstairs, in the bathroom.
I throw up in the water, gasping for air and coughing.
I felt someone taking my hair off my face.
-Are you okay, y/n/n?- John asked.
-Yeah, yeah.- I took a deep breath, standing up and washing my face.
-Two or three weeks?- Mycroft asked me, when we sat on the armchairs.
-What?- I asked, confused.
-Your pregnancy.- he said obviously, as me and John looked at ourself shocked -You didn' didn't know, did you?- he asked, looking at me.
-No, I...I...I didn't know...- I stammered, while my mind was spinning -Why...why do you think so?-
-The change of your taste. The nausea. The too much hungriness lately. It seemed pretty clear to me.- he explained. it Moriarty's?- John asked and I just nodded.
-You should take a pregnancy test.- he said.
-I'm...going to buy one right now.- I said standing up and leaving the flat, without caring about the two men calling me.
I walked to the nearest pharmacy.
"I can't be pregnant, can I?" I asked myself, scared.
My heart was beating too fast, my head was spinning and I couldn't believe the whole situation I was in.
I bought a test and I headed back to my flat, without telling John and Mycroft I had come back.
I sat on the bed and glanced at the rectangular box.
"I can't be pregnant. Not now that Jim's dead." I thought, feeling overwhelmed and my eyes tearing up.
I felt a knot in my throat and a void in my heart.
"Why now? Why me?" I thought feeling some anger growing inside me.
After some minutes I found the courage and I did the test.
"Please just one line. Please just one line." I thought, taking some deep breath.
I walked the test and I saw a plus.
For a second my mind went blank.
Absolutely nothing.
I had to check the test a couple of time to be sure it was positive.
I feel on my knees, crying.
This was too much to handle.
Expecially now that I had lost Jim and Sherlock.
I heard a knock at the door. 
-Hey y/n. It's me, John. Are you okay? Can I come in?- he asked -I'm a little worried about you.- 
-Yeah...the door is open...- I said, as the handle dropped and John walked in.
-Oh god. What happened?- he asked, kneeling next to me. 
-I'm...pregnant...I'm fucking pregnant.- I whispered, showing him the test -And Jim is dead.- 
-Hey, hey. I'm here. Mycroft is here. Mrs Hudson is here. Sebastian is here. We are here for you. We will help you if you decide to keep him or her.- he smiled sadly, hugging me. 
-I...I don't know...- I said, trying to metabolize everything that had just happened.

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