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It was the middle of the afternoon, and Jisung had spent the whole day doing absolutely nothing except thinking of the blonde boy he met at the mansion. He needed to get him off his mind, so Jisung turned to one of the few emotional outlets he had: his sketchbook.

Today was laundry day. Now, usually, Setsu didn't force him to help out; sometimes he offered to help, but that wasn't often. But Jisung was forced to hang the laundry out, much to his dismay.

It was his own fault, because the night prior, he'd absolutely trashed his yukata. Jisung was lucky he didn't get in trouble for doing so, so the least he could do was wash it.

While he was busy hanging the clothes out to dry, Setsu was in the kitchen chopping up some watermelon. According to her, it was the perfect season for growing watermelon, so she planted some seeds a few weeks prior, and now they were all ready to harvest.

Once he was done and given a proper sign-off via Kiyomasa, Jisung headed back to his room.

When he shut the door to his bedroom, that's when Jisung noticed something on his desk that wasn't there before. It was a post card from his auntie. It looked like she'd received his letter.

How unfortunate.

Jisung shoved it in one of his desk drawers. He'd read it some other time. But for now, he wanted to keep his good mood, and reading her letter would only diminish the joy he was currently feeling.

He flopped down on his mattress, rolling onto his side so he could properly observe the sketches he'd done.

The muse was, of course, the blonde man he'd met yesterday. Jisung had drawn him twice: one of his side profile, the other a head shot. He'd struggled quite a bit to capture the man's beauty on paper. He'd done an okay job, but it wasn't up to par with his standards. Jisung knew he could do better; he just needed to be inspired—more than he already was.

"Jisung-kun! Watermelon!" Setsu shouted from downstairs.

Jisung licked his lips in anticipation. He couldn't wait to chow down on some sweet, red watermelon.

He took a quick glance at the clock that hung above his door. The minute hand was ticking, but it seemed too slow. He wished time would go by faster.

"Jisung-kun?" Setsu called for him since he hadn't come downstairs yet.


Only two more hours until high tide.

Jisung was out of the house as soon as he noticed the sun had begun to set. He could hardly contain his excitement as he told Setsu and Kiyomasa he was going to do some sketching. They didn't question him; they simply let him go, which Jisung was thankful for.

He tried extra hard to wear something cute. Maybe to impress a certain blonde, who knows?

The outfit was a slightly cropped white hoodie and a pair of white cargo pants with little black stars etched onto them. He also paired them with some small silver hoop earrings, two layers of pink chapstick, and a fresh coat of black nail polish.

It wasn't a smart idea to wear white, especially considering where he was going. But hey, sometimes fashion isn't meant to be practical, so long as you look good and feel hot.

Giving the couple his last farewell, Jisung took the shortcut, as per usual, and made it to the marsh in record time.

He took the same route he had the day before, to the spot where he spotted the boat. Except today, it wasn't there. Jisung felt his heart drop to his ass.

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