❥ 34. Attrahent

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Attrahent (adj)
Attracting; drawing towards or forward


🎶 Thham sa gaya

Rajveer ran a hand through his hairs, he was quite frustrated

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Rajveer ran a hand through his hairs, he was quite frustrated. The first half of his day have been a whole package of irritating and annoying people. If not for the coming projects, he would have already fired a bunch of his employees but realizing the mood of hectic schedule he had kept the leash a little loose. He hated how Saturday couldn't be off in here. San Francisco was different. He could spend his time at home working and coding. He didn't had to show up at the office until there was some emergency or immediacy.

In Mumbai, the work culture was different, so different that after spending more than 4 months here but he was still trying to make his mind on changes. He had been trying to adapt the environment, people and life of Mumbai but every time he thought to let loose, stop and breathe, another nook brought a challenge for him. Be it the code of conduct, work nature or demanding hours.

Leaning back against the car hood, he listened to the other side, Danish was updating him about a mishap the marketing department created. He sighed in irritation.

"Danish deduct the expenses from their salaries" His jaw clenched "Give them the Deadline till" he flicked his wrist to glance at his watch, eyes widened seeing the time "7 pm today. No one's going home until they show the new strategy report"

"Okay." He hummed, typing could be heard from his side. "Informed"

"Good." He shifted the phone from left to right and bend at the level of rear-view mirror. Grimacing at his reflection, He finger combed his hairs and stood straight. "Now don't call me even if the building is on fire. I asked for 20 minutes, I'm late for an hour."

He chuckled "Lucky you have Mahi as your wife and not one of those nagging bitches. She is awesome at forgiving"

Rajveer smiled at the thought, a small peaceful smile but it returned as soon as it came. "Go to hell" he muttered and hung up.

He raised his brow seeing a text from her. He nibbled on his inner cheek. "She must be waiting" he clicked tongue in disappointment.

Ira 🕊️: Heading to third floor.

She left him a text but no store name. He rolled his eyes at her vague location. "Where in third floor Dove?"

He walked towards the elevator, punching number three, he tapped his foot wanting the damn elevator box to fasten up the pace and take him to her already.

The doors parted, he stepped out to take one once-over of the entire floor. There were many stores, Damn his luck, most of them were clothing. He dialed her phone but was greeted with the computerized voice which stated her phone to be switched off.

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