❥ 7. Komorebi

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Komorebi (Noun: Japanese)
sunlight that filters through the leaves of trees.


It was 4 am.

Another night and another nightmare disturbed her sleep. Mahira threw the blanket away, tiptoeing her way to the door and sneakily walking out of her room. She glanced back to check on Neharika who didn't stir. Mahira half-smiled seeing her roommate peacefully sleeping, her arm was draped around her pillow, and she had clutched it as if her life depended on it.

Quietly she closed the room door and walked aimlessly on the nearly empty floor. Her eyes wandered along the long empty corridors. It was pin-drop silent, a rarity in Mumbai. The hustle-bustle was adjustable but the emptiness and silence were hard to digest. She turned to the corner, feeling the breeze flowing through the half-closed window.

Her eyes flickered to the closed curtains of the Balcony. Her feet took her to it and she slid the material a little away to open the latch and walk on the cold concrete. She clutched the shawl closer as the cool air hit her square. It wasn't pitch black because of some flickering yellow bulbs but not entirely visible. She walked a little further, touching the iron railings she traced the peeled-off paint with her fingertips. Her eyes make out the empty lane below. Her room was on the second floor, not so high up. She let her gaze roam around the locality. The distinct noise of barking gave her company as she swept the streets, eyes searching for something she didn't know herself.

Mahira jumped at her spot and a loud squeak in fear left her throat as the Balcony doors clicked. She clutched her chest wanting it to calm down.

"It is you" She sighed in relief seeing Neharika's face in the minimal light.
Neha cocked a brow, pushing the door close with her hips, she handed a mug to Mahira who stared at it.

Neha huffed, rolling her eyes. She tipped the cup to Mahira's lips breaking her staring contest.

With little curves on their lips, they both stared at nothingness, sipping the hot liquid until the first beams of morning sun came into existence, and the noise of barking transformed into the cheery chirping of birds.

Neha cocked a brow at Mahira who sheepishly averted her eyes from hers. "You still won't tell me what it was about ?"

Mahira painfully smiled before clearing her throat. "It's the past I want to forget Neha. I can't bring myself to talk"

Neha rounded her arm around Mahira, rubbing the warmth. "If it's hurting so much Mahi, Let it go."

"I'm not holding it back, Neha." She smiled mirthlessly "I can't, even if I wish to"

"You need to pour your heart into someone Mahi." She advised "If not a human then yourself. You can't let it trap your soul, it thrashes every time your unconscious mind brings it back. You're not sleeping enough. I have seen you struggling for the last few months Mahi. You can't be so cruel to yourself"

Mahira took a shaky breath, her finger curling around the mug. The words were truth, naked truth.

"I'm trying" her words came out muffled and Neha hugged her closer.

"I see you doing that." She held her upper arm in assurance "And I feel proud of you Mahira Bose" She added "I do. I'm proud of the strongest woman I have come to know. The woman who came here, in Mumbai without a plan. You strived your first week looking for jobs until you got one in Spesh. I'm glad that I'm your roommate. You don't know but you give me strength by just being there when I come back dejected from auditions. Mahira Bose, you are a blessing in my life.." Neha wiped the corners of her eye"...In my room." she added chuckling and Mahira averted her eyes gulping the lump down.

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