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Annabeth POV-

I wake up late in the morning. Stupid morning, ruining the most amazing dream I've ever had.

Percy and I lived in a house of my design. We were older now, with a daughter. She had Percy's sea green eyes. Percy was so sweet and gentle with her. I would watch as he would sing and dance with her, horribly, might I add. But they would laugh and beg me to join in on their fun. I reluctantly would, setting my blue prints aside. We would play games and just have fun until it was late at night. Then, we would tuck her in to bed and I would read her a story as Percy ever so dramatically acted it out. I would yell at him, as usual. He would just laugh and kiss my forehead. As our daughter fell asleep, we would slowly escape. He would wrap me in his arms as we laid down on the bed. Eventually, our daughter would come in and we would end up in the same set up we were now.

I was laying here, my head on Percy's shoulder and one of his arms around me. His other arm was around a sleeping Estelle. The two of them looked so peaceful, although drool came from both of their mouths.

I groan as I turn my head and see the time.

Nine o'clock. Oh god, I usually never sleep in this late.

But I didn't want to get up.

"Percy, wake up, Seaweed Brain," I whisper. He stirs in his sleep and then his eyes open slowly. I do feel bad for waking him, but it was necessary. Breakfast was only served until 9:30 and I knew he would whine if he didn't get his breakfast.

"Do I have to get up?"

"Yes. Breakfast will be over soon. Besides, your mom wants Estelle to call."

He groans. His hair is only a bit messier than usual. I flatten it down for him. He leans in for a kiss, but I put a hand over his mouth. "No kisses until those teeth are brushed." He laughs and Estelle stirs. She looks around, dazed and confused until her eyes land on Percy. She hugs him tight.

"You're the bestest big brother ever," she says.

"And you're the best little sister ever."


"You wanna call mom and dad? I have to go brush my teeth because according to Annabeth, I have bad breath." Estelle giggles. He calls his mom and as soon as she answers, Percy passes Estelle the phone. She gets up and wanders off back to her room.

"And you have to wipe your face," I add. "You got drool all over yourself."

"Hey!" He exclaims with a smile. I go to get out of bed and when I'm not paying attention, he leans in and quickly pressed a kiss to my lips.

"Perseus Jackson!" I yell. He jumps off the bed and runs to the bathroom, locking himself inside. I can't help but laugh. "I'll get you when you get out of there!" I bang on the door. I can hear him laughing from inside and I can't help but laugh myself. I tuck myself behind the door as it slowly opens. Through the crack, I can see Percy. His hair is still messy, but he's now wearing jeans and a blue sweatshirt. It reads 'Jackson' on the back. He looks back and forth around the room, trying to find me. I slowly slip out from behind the door and dive at him, wrapping my arms around his waist as we fall to the ground. We're laughing and smiling at each other.

"You completely deserved that," I say. He turns himself around and slips his arms around me again.

"I probably did."

"You're an ass, you know that, don't you?"

"I figured as much."

I couldn't help but laugh. I gave him a kiss on the lips.

Recorded Dreams  (A Percabeth AU) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora