Chapter 2-Shooting stars

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I moaned, the sun had finally came down and the island had been left in darkness. Well, as dark as things could possibly get on this island. Stars illuminated the sky, like fairy lights wrapped around a house giving me enough sight to see.  I wandered towards the back of the island where it would be easiest to see and positioned myself to start wishing.

"Don't you just love stars, their almost as good as bugs." I turned round and looked towards the familiar elephant that was now standing beside me.

"Yes," I replied with little enthusiasm "I would much rather be in bed though." I joked halve heartedly.

"I like a good nap."he dreamed and I stared at him curiously for a couple of seconds. Was I not the only one who thought that standing at the edge of my island in the middle of the night wishing on stars, was not rather insane? "But I'd rather be here with you and the stars." His light blue head turned up to stare at them and I heard him mutter a wish under his breath.

High hopes

"Of course," I said, smiling. Though I could find these strange animals rather annoying, I had came rather fond of this little elephant. Always happy to see me he was.

We stood there wishing on the stars together as they shot from one side of the earth to the other with unimaginable speed. Until finally I turned round to go home.

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