Chapter 38: To make you smile.

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Chapter 38: To make you smile.

Kein's POV

I finally went inside of my superior's office sitting in his office and that's... Vincent's father.

Duke Tristan Wolford. He's supposed to be one of the well known strictest head generals in the military. He would give no mercy to anyone, even his son.

The Duke gives me a serious look taking me in. "I haven't seen you in a while, Kein Rosenguard- or should I call you Kein Hills now? Which would you prefer." he asks, putting his hands together resting them on his table.

"Kein Hills, sir."

He nods. "Alright now I presume we're here to talk about work and your place in the Lion Battalion, Commander."

I nod in response remembering that I have been appointed as commander already. My legs were shaking in my seat, waiting for my first mission.

The Duke opens his drawer and offers me a folder containing the words written on top. I took it holding the thin folder that's been enchanted with magic. I hold my hand over it summoning a small bright red magic circle, "[Unlock]." I chanted.

I still have Mana to unlock the enchantment on this folder. Slowly words formed on the cover of the folder.

Just to explain, I can use dark magic where my father and I have called it [Gluttony Magic] where I can absorb other people's magic if I wanted to and the consequences of that I am immune to any kind of magic.

The Holy sword that I found in the dungeon can somehow channel that magic that I absorbed and use it for itself. It's a different kind of sword that can manifest into two shapes.

For some reason it turns into a paintbrush when I desire so I can change its bristles hard or soft, long or short.

At that point at that time isn't this the perfect sword for me but... was it all just some stroke of luck? It was just too perfect for me.

It paired really well with my [Gluttony Magic].

You might think [Gluttony] is an overpowered magic. I do have my limits, after training with my father and absorbing more magic that my body can handle I almost died.

When you take a look at things I'm like a battery, I take in electricity and I have my own tank where I can store my Mana and I'll blow up if it overloads. It's really unlucky that it's not infinite absorption, now that's what I would call overpowered.

My Mana storage is rather decent. I can absorb more than fifty spells and it would depend on their size and mana used onto releasing that spell.

I have my counter effects. Using the holy sword I could channel the spare Mana there.

I was really thankful for the Holy Sword, [Silverlight Blade] if not I would've died countless of times for Mana overload.

Ah, another thing about my magic. If I cast one of my spells, [Absorb Half-Ground] it would cast a wide magic circle where if you're inside that circle you won't be able to use your magic, that excludes the caster however.

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