Chapter 19: One's Limit.

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Chapter 19: One's Limit.

Kein's POV

It was already early in the morning as my body felt stiff realizing I've been sitting here, working for almost eight hours already. I couldn't sleep... apparently even though this is only the second day I've been working I might actually finish more early if this keeps up.

I put down my brush, went to the bathroom and opened the sink.

The water ran down slowly as I dipped my hands, scrubbing off the paint there as well on my wrist.

Surprisingly this mansion has a really advanced water system. I also think they use a [Water Stone] for their source of water. These are rare [Elemental Stones] found usually in the deepest waters of the Mermadia Kingdom where mermaids and mermen live.

I think I've read this in the book Lenard lent once.

"I do wonder where the stone is being held though surely if its a stone powerful enough to support the whole big mansion it must be one big stone."

I washed my face, the water tingled my skin as I looked into the mirror. A familiar reflection stared back at me. The same blonde hair, blue crystal eyes, and somehow white pale skin. There were faint bruises that were starting to heal already. It's barely noticeable.

I look at my neck, realizing that there are scars I never even noticed before. "I guess those will stay there forever huh."

I reach over it, rubbing my fingers through the permanent line softly sighing, "Kein Rosenguard, the real one. I hope you're okay now wherever you are. I'm sorry for occupying your body but I'm doing the best I can."

I doubt she's ever going to hear that because the real Kein is gone and I replaced her.

My heart felt heavy at the realization. I'm taking her place, her life, her connections, and her place in the family.

"I'm really sorry." I muttered in the bathroom, my voice echoing the apology.

Even if I'm slowly being comfortable because five months have gone by, I will never forget. I'm just another soul occupying someone else's body. I am not the real Kein but I will try my best to live the life she might have wanted for herself. "For now, to do that I have to get out of Kein's Aunt's house. That place has been hell for her according to her diary and it has also been hell for me."

I could remember the horrible punishments they gave. They made me stand up on a chair, pulled up my pants and hit me with a stick until I apologized with something not even worth the trouble! "Jeez, Lenard just wanted to help me carry the wood but someone reported that huh."

I took the towel that was hung on the wall and wiped my face over it. I placed it back and went out of the bathroom. "Oh right it's been two days and I've forgotten to write a letter to Lenard! Oh shit I hope he's not worried or panicking right now. I never told him I was staying at Vincent's place."

I feel bad.

Lenard likes Vincent a lot but I got invited over to his place first. Sorry Lenard! I'm the most horrible wingman ever!

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