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I deiced to finally write the epilogue to 'people have changed' so many have requested this so here you are. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did writing it. Let me know what you think in comment, unless it's hate then you can gladly walk towards the door 🚪. LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR READING!

Sages's POV

5 years later

"Marco so help me god, if you don't get this child of yours" Marco sits there laughing on the couch with Aurelia on his lap "Phoenix that's enough, give the toy to your mother" he stops in his movements handing me a wooden knife "Now I want to know who gave this to you" Phoenix furred his eyebrows "Tío Luca" I looked over to Marco who was trying to hold in a laugh.

"I am going to kill you brother" shaking his head "Calma Sage, it's not even sharp plus he will grow up to lead my business." rolling my eyes "If he wants to" he shrugged his shoulder directing his attention back to Aurelia who was on Marcos lap mushing his cheeks together laughing at the faces Marco would make.

Phoenix is our oldest son only being 5 years old, the second oldest would be Lucius and there is Aurelia only two and another one coming on the way which Marco doesn't exactly know about. I found out I was pregnant after marrying Marco, he was overjoyed to say the least. Kept going on about only having six more to go, making me want to point a gun at his head (hormones) . I blame it all on hormones. Today marks our five years together, somehow never not getting tired of his presence is nice.

We made a pact when we got married that our family would be first, which meant late nights at the office wouldn't be a thing anymore. I do help him while the kids are in daycare so he shouldn't be getting home late. Weekends are for family, everyone made sure that was the most important thing especially Sunday's. After being shot, Marco never wanted me in field work again now more then ever because of the kids. I never complained only telling him that I would do as I please, if necessary I would go.

"Lucius come over here" he was most definitely the wild child, always something I knew with him but he was also a mama's boy so he listened to every word that came out of my mouth. "I need all of you to get ready, you guys are going over to stay with nonna and nonno for the weekend. They loved it over there, mostly because they got to do whatever they wanted and Lucia and Luca are over there which are favored by the kids. Except Aurelia she loves Rezo, Marco gets jealous but then stops because he remembers he is her father.

"Why are the kids going to my parents house?" did he forget? I rolled my eyes "I swear if you say something stupid again I am going to divorce you" he looked confused "You don't remember today do you?" it hit hard, almost making me cry (again it is hormones) he started to grin "Of course I remember amore. How could I forget the day I finally made you my wife?" picking me up and spinning me around a little bit.

"Oh amore why are you crying?" he set me down pulling me into a hug "I t-thought you had forgot" a little laugh came from him "I could never forget the day I married the love of my life, who also gave me three wonderful children" they kids came down with Maria behind them, she was the maid who had got there things ready. "All set" she announced. Marco whipped my tears and the kids came to us both. "Thank you Maria, you can have the rest of the weekend off." She smiled and said goodbye thanking us as well.

"Is a driving going to take them?" Marco looked at me and I shook my head "No you brother is picking them up" he started to shake my head "Not Luca, Rezo. He is picking them up" Marco took a breathe letting it out, that's when the doorbell rang. I walked over opening it, to revel Rezo with a smile on his face "Are they ready" after the kids were born it made Rezo want some but he then said 'fuck that' and took ours as his. "Yup" I called for them and they all came running. "Have them back my Sunday night at eight please" he nodded walking the kids to his car settling them all in.

"Finally some time alone time with my wife" before I would say anything Marco had me pushed up against the door, hands on my waist placing kisses along my neck "Whatever happen to taking a girl out" he stopped searching my eyes "All I want for dinner is you" he kept at before I knew it we were on the couch half clothed. "Marco" another moan came out he made his way back up looking me directly in the eyes "I love you" he spoke up made me smile "I love you t-" he placed himself inside of me. Never slowing down till my peak "Fuck" we both said in unison.

"We should eat, there isn't going to be much of anything for a while" a little laugh came out. We decided to order in, pizza my favorite and what I have been craving for the last two days. "I wished you would've let me cook for you" shaking my head as I devoured this pizza "It's alright, I wanted pizza. Fast to eat" a little smirked appeared on his lips. We made casual conversation talking about business which directions we want to head in, and about Phoenix when he comes of age and wants to take the position of the Don. The Russian mafia reached out, asking if they wanted to align themselves with us offering their daughter to be our future daughter in law by marriage with Phoenix. I almost pulled a gun out on Marco for even considering his offer, we decided that they could grow up around each other and go from there, however my son will have the privilege of falling in love with whom he chooses. I will never force this life on him or any of my kids speaking of which.

"We need to talk" I said with a cold tone, one I used very rarely "What is it?" he looked a little worried and also scared but just a little "It about our family" he looked even more confused "I want a divorce" his eyes sprung out of his head when I said those words. It hurt me to say those words, I was only joking but could you imagine. His eyes went from happiness to sadness in a snap of a finger "W-what" I could see his heart shatter "I was kidding Marco" his face went cold "Not funny" I couldn't help but let out a giggle "That's fucked up Sage" I stopped laughing and saw it hurt him "I am sorry" filling his face with kisses.

He finally kissed me back after 10 minutes of not giving me any attention. I know sounds clingy but he ignored me pretending I am not there. Once he kissed me he went back to ignoring me which made me upset so I told him "I am pregnant" patting my tummy his head turned "Liar" shrugging my shoulders "Go up to our room, it's on the counter" that was a lie, there was a box with balloons that were both pink and blue. He furred his eyebrows making the same as Phoenix. He got up and walked away leaving me with my pizza.

I know what your think who spends their five year mark at the house in the boring way possible. The answer is us. We have work that is non stop and kids that can be a hand full half the time, we have our date nights like a week ago because I wanted to spend time in the house this weekend. Plus it is honest all around better for us we can just spend quality time together.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT" was all I heard from upstairs then loud footsteps "YOUR PREGNANT" I nodded slowly "I told you" he ran my way, getting on his knees looking at my belly, giving it kisses. His reaction never changes from the first time to this time he has the same reaction. "I fucking love you baby" he gave me a passionate kiss on the lips before smiling like a psychopath. "Three more to go" I laughed "We settled on six kids remember?" shaking his head "Seven" "Five" he frowned "Six" I nodded "That's what I thought" he kissed the side of my head "But if we have twins that counts as one" I laughed "Deal" he turned on the tv flipping through shows before I took the remote putting on "Finding Nemo" he just rested his head on my lap.

This life is the one I never thought I could have. The kids, the house and the best husband to ever exist. I love my family with everything I have to offer, never would ask for anything more than good health on us all. I am happy, pure and true happiness, something I thought would never be something for me but here we are. 

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