chapter eight

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Sage's POV

The car ride wasn't too bad, he would look over at me, and we stared at glances other than that we just sat there quietly but it felt nice. We pulled up to the restaurant, I felt a little good, and confident. He walked out, came to the other side, and opened the door for me. What a gentleman this guy.

Giving me his hand, which I took, he gave his keys to the valet and we walked towards the doors, he had his hand on my back the entire time, it made my body feel like it was on fire, it gave me a warm feeling something I haven't felt in a long time. As we walked up people were looking at us, it felt super bizarre, but in a good way.

"Hello Mr. De la Rosa, how may I help you," the man asked looking a little frightened. "A table for two" he demanded, he was still a prick, nice to know some things never change. "Right away sir" he took us to our table. "Can I get you anything to drink?" the waiter asked politely, but also seemed terrified "A bottle of your finest wine- could I get a rum coke please" he looked at me confused. "Coming right up" I turned to Marco who was eying me. "Yes, you seem to keep looking at me is there something on your mind"

 "Do you always have to have an attitude" I just rolled my eyes "Don't roll your eyes at me" he spoke with caution in his voice "Whatever you say Marco" You could tell he was getting worked up "You should show some respect, and stop being rude" I laughed "Respect is earned not given Marco, as far as my 'attitude' you knew about my attitude when you asked me" He knew I was right on both topics. We stayed silent until our waiter came who instantly met eyes with Marco "Here is the wine" She gave him a cheeky smile then it dropped when he saw me "And here is you- um..rum coke"

"Do you know what yall want to eat" Looking at Marco, pushing up her boobs a little, I just rolled my eyes "Steak with the mushroom sauce please, and that will be for both of us" Wow. "Coming right up" Completely ignoring me, I took a gulp of my drink

"So out of all the places, why did you bring me here?"

"Easy, it is one of my favorite places so I thought it would be nice for a date." I was confused, did he say date?

"Date? I thought you brought me because you 'owed' me" he let out a chuckle

"Oh yea, well I guess I will have to make a good impression that way we can have another date"

"Your impression is already shit, but I am willing to overlook it" giving him a look "So whatever happened to Pearl"

"Pearl.... Ah your car, it's gone, I'll get you another"

"I don't want another, why did you kill Pearl," I said it to loudly and people looked over at us concerned

"It was just a ca- I am a sorry princess"

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes again and took another drink.

"What did I tell you about the eye-rolling, it's disrespectful. Don't play a game you won't win" My eyes went wide. That sounded really kinda hot, okay a lot hot. Game? What is he going to do? I had a smug look on my face.

"Is that so?" I laughed 

"Are you challenging me, princess"

"I guess I am" he gave me an evil smirk, I regretted it the moment it came out of my mouth

"You just wait, Sage, it all comes with time" The waiter came out with the food, her shirt unbuttoned and her skirt pulled up, I know he is attractive but jeez while I am here, right in front of her. "Here you are." setting down the plates and sliding a napkin towards Marco. I clenched my jaw, he just left it there.

"She is into you" I had a hint of annoyance in my voice which he most definitely noticed. "There is nothing to be jealous about, I am here with you and wouldn't want anyone else" My heart skipped a beat, I don't like this feeling. "I am not jealous, why would I be" I played dumb "Whatever you say princess" I started eating and it was really good, I went to pick up my drink "No, have it with wine, it tastes much better." I just nodded, it was going well, no point in arguing. He was right, it tasted better with wine. The flavor in everything seemed enhanced.

Marco signaled the waiter that way she could bring the check. I was going to pull out some cash for the tip, I didn't want him to pay for everything. I reached for my wallet, pulled out a 50, and set it on the table. "What are you doing" he looked a little confused but nonetheless scolding me at the same "For the tip, I figure you're one of those guys who wants to pay for the dinner so I will cover the tip" I put a smile on, he just rolled his eyes "That's not necessary, love" could he not stick to one name it was so confusing and I don't like it, I mean I did but I can't like him, not out of spite just because I refuse to get close to people. He slid out a crisp hundred-dollar bill, which honestly pissed me off but the waiter was still going to get that fifty.

She walked back over towards us handing Marco his card back to him, he handed her the hundred. "Here" I spoke up "Even though you basically flirted with my date the whole night" Now that felt good to say, "I apol- T-thank you, sorry ma'am" Her face got red and she ran out of my sight. I was irritated as it was, Marco had a smirk on his lips. "Wow, your date?" I just got up and started walking out, him following. Walking out, two people approached Marco, who went stiff pushing me behind. One was a girl the other a boy, both looked identical sort of, with what looked like Marco's eyes. I assume these are his siblings? 


OoOOOoo the date

Next chapter I think I am going to give Marcos POV

What did yall think?

Also, I created some aesthetics for the characters is that something yall would want to see? 



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