Full Exposed | Michael Myers

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-Michael being somewhat soft and exposed, doing some stuff for the first time, so Fluff?

-Him realizing that maybe, just maybe he loves her.

-I know it's not even October, but story-wise, let's pretend it's Oct 19.

Word Count: 1207

A/N: I don't typically do slashers, but it's not for a lack of desire, but, rather, a lack of inspiration. But I do have some ideas in the box which I'd like to share.

If you are not into this, there other fandoms I dip into, please just be nice on this and ignore it if it's not you.

Fully Exposed

Past the thick latex, just barely waffling through the interior of the quiet home was a warm scent, one that smelled enticing and inviting, beckoning him closer, begging him to stay.

The pitter-patter of the calmed showers from outside became a part of the background, and for the most part, forgotten as he heard a familiar voice speak,

"Where are they?

Where are they?" She repeatedly muttered with what sounded like frustration, and during then he also heard the sound of frantic shuffling to accompany the huffed-out utters.

The drawers of the kitchen were repeatedly opened and closed, and as he slowly made his way to the arch of the kitchen he saw the (h/c) haired woman storm through the space, what little he could catch of her face looking glum and grouchy before her brows rose up heavily.

- And it was then that a different expression overcame her.

Slowly, he watched as her shoulders sank, and she let out a soft, disappointed sigh that was touched by not only sadness but exasperation.

He was quiet as he approached her, and although he hadn't been intent to spook her, it was exactly what he'd done when his hands both took hold of her drooping shoulders.

A little gasp left her while simultaneously, her entire body shook into a startled jump.

As a response, his large hands gave her a soft squeeze, and it was then that she inclined her head back, staring up at the man that stood directly behind her, watching her with a narrowed gaze.

"Oh, Hi..." she breathed softly, the downhearted expression melting down as she caught sight of the visitor. However, he could see the remaining glaze that had melted over her (e/c) colored eyes, and at that, his right hand slid up to her neck, his fingers softly grazing her flesh before they reached her jaw,


It was a silent question that was silently communicated through the thickening air that soon surrounded him as he wondered why the woman seemed so downhearted.

'Why?' he then asked himself not a second after, all for a different reason, uncertain of just what had overcome him and made him feel so troubled.

She uttered his name softly, the sound scarcely spoken as a pesky, little tear fell down her cheek, stopping her from going any further, and at that, the feral mode he was so close to tipping off to was suspended as his stomach dropped.

Something in his chest hurt, and he couldn't help but grit his teeth at the surfacing feeling.

"You're home a lot sooner," she said with the same touch of sadness, though she chuckled softly, wiping her own tear away before her face fell. She bowed her head in embarrassment and during then, the hand that had been on the lower portion of her face slid up to her cheek, and he made no move to withdraw, instead, moving closer.

His body melted over hers and he cocooned her in a way that filled her with happy warmth, something that was bliss during the cold season.

"- I wanted this to be special," She breathed. "I wanted this to be perfect," she added with the same airy tone that held a linger of sadness.

And as he tried to think of just what she was talking about, he took notice of what was before her.

"I couldn't find the candles," She said while shaking her head, the young woman staring down at the undecorated cake, gazing at the coated base with a soft pout as she took notice of how unremarkable it was.

"I haven't even decorated it," She mused while sniffling.

"-I didn't make enough frosting to finish it anyway," She thought while huffing.

"I'm so sorry Michael," She said while feeling disappointed.

His head slightly cocked as he took a moment to gaze down at the gently frosted cake, staring down at the simplistic sweet with rapidly blinking eyes that took in the sight.

Afterward, a low breath left him, because he then understood why she'd even bothered to bake the treat.

"I remembered it was your birthday," She started, "And I wanted to give you a nice, little surprise," she said while shaking her head, the action making his hand fall back to his side as he continued to listen to her ramblings.

" - But I haven't even gotten dressed," she continued. "I look like a complete mess, and there isn't any dinner re-"

She was then cut off by an unfamiliar feeling, it being a warm, soft press to the side of her neck.

Her skin warmed, and a shudder left her as she realized that it hadn't been the touch of the lifeless latex that touched her, but rather, the graze of the man beneath the mask, gently caressing her in a way that seemed almost loving and comforting.

His body then leaned over hers, and his arms fully rounded her, pulling her flush against him.

She could hear his breaths become more labored and a low rumble left him,


His call was low, almost whispered, but even so, it held a strength behind it.

It was then that out of the corner of her eye, she saw the infamous mask lay at the counter, its eyeholes staring right at her while its owner continued to smother her.

The sight made her vision become blurred and hazy before she tightly closed her eyes and leaned back onto him, right onto his affectionate nuzzling.

And while his touch was always one to fully drug her, she was far too enthralled by the discarded disguise to sink into the same realm of overwhelming bliss he usually sedated her into.

Instead, she continued to steal glances at the discarded mask, her heart palpitating in a way that felt almost pained in a manner that she never wanted to forget.

'Michael...' She started, focusing on the feel of his hands over her, which, on that particular night, felt especially tender, something that was a complete contrast to the selfish desire he typically displayed.

He then encouraged her to turn, instantly diving into the side of her neck to give her little, quick presses that seemed never-ending, ceasing only when he felt the trailing wetness that dripped down from her sweet face.

He stopped, his body racked with a little shiver as his eyes opened up from their closed state to watch her.

(F/n) then giggled, the little titter only causing him to stare at her with more intensity.

"Oh, Michael," she breathed, "I just....I, I love you so much," She confessed, not knowing what to expect from him at her confession.

As for him, the pain in his chest became prominent yet again, but there was a soothing relief that lived in him as she breathed out the words.

His response came in the form of a needy kiss while his hands sunk into her soft flesh, squeezing and kneading, having no desire for anything but the woman who's heart belonged to him.

He enjoyed the selfishness of her love as he continued to devour her, leaving no spot untouched and unexplored as he enjoyed the rest of his Birthday with her in his arms.

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