Chapter 2

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My chest constricted, and a lump filled my throat. I'd seen him on the ice during a game, but my seats were near the ceiling. I'd seen him around campus with his friends. I'd seen him with his girlfriends. It was easier to keep my distance.

Sometimes I wondered if he even remembered me.

"You're here?" His voice hitched. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. I wanted to wrap my arms around him, and I wanted to run. His warm brown gaze darted over my features. "You're really here? Did you start this semester? Did you know I was here?"

I forced air into my lungs, but I wasn't able to say anything. My phone buzzed in my pocket. "Sorry, I need to see if that's..." I pulled it out and looked at the screen. "I'm sorry. I need to get to the front desk. Kelly needs me."

His shoulders curved in. He pressed his lips together and nodded once. "What time do you get off? I ... I'd like to talk."

This was what I was afraid of the most. Nolan wouldn't understand my grandmother's decisions. I still didn't, but I had no choice to accept what she did. But those eyes, that crooked smile he always got whenever he was truly happy, I missed him so much.

"Grace?" His voice was gentle, soft, not quite a demand and not quite a question.

"At six." I swallowed hard. "My shift ends at six tonight."

"Can we talk then?" His lips curled into a smile when I nodded. "I've got so much to tell you."

My phone buzzed again, and I glanced at it. Kelly's boyfriend had gotten hurt on the football field, and she needed to go. I shook it at Nolan and grabbed my cart. His hands fell next to mine, his body so close I could almost feel his skin on mine. I wanted to slow my racing heart, and I wanted it to sprint. It had been too long since I'd felt like this. The only time I experienced anything like this was with him. Always him.

"I can't believe you're here," he whispered.

"I can get this." I pushed the cart toward the abandoned circulation desk, and his new strength powered it along faster.

Nolan smiled and glanced down. "We were always better together."

My heart shattered into a million pieces. My hands fell off the bar, and Nolan rolled it behind the desk by himself. "We were kids."

"Yeah, but we're not kids anymore, Gracie." He came around to stand in front of me. "I always wondered..." He shook his head and lifted his hands toward mine. "We'll go to Chester's Diner after you get off. Burgers and milkshakes. You still dip your fries in your boring vanilla shake?"

A small laugh burst from my lips. "You remember that?"

"I remember everything." He took my hands in his. My knees quaked at the contact, and I wasn't sure if it meant anything to him, but it meant everything to me just to be near him again. "Is that okay? If we go out, I mean? It's not close to campus so we'll have some privacy to talk."

I nodded and pulled my hands away. The cold air from the vent above blew down, and I shivered. "I really need to get downstairs."

"Okay. I'll meet you there at six." He leaned in like he was going to kiss my cheek or hug me.

I stepped back. So much had changed in my life. I wasn't sure if Nolan would like me for who I'd become, or if he'd even want to hang out with me. And I wasn't sure if I could just be friends with him. After what happened between us at the end of junior year, I couldn't imagine being anything but his girl. Seeing him with other women was hard last spring. If we were friends again, it would be a constant. I'd been through enough pain during my last four years.

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