Ch 36: Shocking Surprise

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Alex's POV: 

I woke up the next day from a very deep sleep. I go to get out of bed when suddenly I feel an arm stop me and push me into a hard warm chest. I took a deep breath in at first. I've never smelt something so amazing when suddenly it dawned on me. I went to bed alone last night. Whos holding me? I try to slowly turn around so I don't alert whoever's holding me that I'm awake. Once my head is turned enough I can see who it is, I swear my heart stopped beating. In my bed was a very naked Theo. I couldn't even think straight and screamed and used all my strength to get away from him. Luckily, I think I caught him off guard since he was sound asleep and was able to get free from him. I immediately bolted to the bathroom and locked the door. I started to think of what I could but the only thing in my mind is yelling for Dylan but he's not home. Suddenly, I'm snapped out of my thoughts by knocking on the door. 

"Alex, I'm so sorry. I can explain everything. Please just open the door. I promise everything will make sense once we talk. Please." I could hear the desperation in his voice. I think it over for a minute or so. 

"Give me one reason why I should trust you! What did you do to Xavier?" I suddenly remembered Xavier was nowhere to be seen and now I'm thinking I must talk to him. How would Sean feel if he found out his best friend got rid of his dog and then was in bed with me and I didn't hear a thing. I know I'm a sound sleeper but I didn't think I was that sound of a sleeper. 

"I think we should talk face to face. it'll help you understand everything. Please I promise after I tell you everything and explain you'll understand. And if you don't want to see me after I won't bother you ever again." I think about what he's said. I would like to hope he would keep his word. I checked the time and noticed that Dylan could be home in about ten minutes or a little longer. If I stalled him for that long then when Dylan gets here, I could get Dylan to get him out. I decide that's what I'm going to do. 

"If I come out, I want you on the other side of my room. I will open the door but will stay in here. If you try anything I will close the door and lock it again. No discussion after that. Understand?" I asked as I made my way slowly to the door. 

"That's perfectly fine. Could you at least throw me a towel though. I feel kinda bad about not having anything on." I internally slapped my forehead. How could I forget he's naked. I grab a towel and quickly throw it out to him and then immediately close and lock the door once again. I wait for less than a minute when he suddenly announces that he's on the other side of the room and has the towel on. I take a deep breath in and out then open the door.  I sit down close enough to the door that I can immediately slam it and lock it if necessary. 

"You have five minutes to explain everything." I wait for a minute as it seems he's trying to find the words. Eventually, I think he's finally got the words. 

Theo's POV: 

I take a deep breath and get comfy in my towel. This is not how I wanted to tell her at all. Last night was the best sleep I ever had and I didn't even notice that Xavier had shifted us back. I've been trying to reach him all morning to yell at him and tell him how dumb he was. I don't think it even crossed his mind that our mate could want nothing to do with us now because of his irrational decision. I notice that she's sitting across from me looking extremely skeptical, which is understandable. I take a deep breath and then decided to begin. 

"I wanted to tell you this for a while, but not this way. You know all those myths and legends about werewolves, Lycans, wolf bloods, and many other names for animal shifters. Well, the werewolf legends and myths are true. Not all of the facts are correct but the main gist is that werewolves are real....And I am one." I pause there to let the fact I just completely blew up all her thinking about the world settle in. I don't think she fully believes me though. I sigh and shake my head, knowing where this is about to go. "Now I know you're thinking that I'm insane and truth be told, I wouldn't be surprised if you're not buying any of this. So I'm going to show you. Okay?" I wait for a response but instead of her saying words, she just nods her head. I sigh and get up. She gets ready to close the odor. I take steps back and she stops from closing the door. "Xavier, the dog, and I are the same person. Xavier is my wolf. I'm going to shift into him and I don't want you to be scared. I will only stay shifted for a minute and then I'll shift right back and you can ask anything you want." She nods her head and I begin to shift. Thankfully, since I've been shifting for so long, it doesn't hurt and I can make it look painless. I couldn't imagine how she would feel if it sounded like I was dying while I was doing this. Once I'm fully shifted, I look at her. She looks a bit shocked. I was about to shift back when suddenly, she started walking towards me. I don't know what she's planning on doing so I lay down on the ground and wait for her to come to me. I don't want to do anything that could scare her. She walks over to where I'm laying and pets my head for a few strokes. After that, she climbs onto her bed and looks at me. 

"You can shift back. I believe you and want to talk." I nod my head and walk over to the towel. I grab it in my mouth and then walk into the bathroom. I shift back and secure the towel around my waist. Once it's secure, I walk over to the bed and sit on the floor by the bed. Just as I'm about to sit, she grabs my arm and pulls me to sit next to her on the bed. I do just that and wait for her to start asking questions. We sit there for a minute in silence so I take this opportunity to mind link Sean and have him bring me some clothes and also, he might be able to help explain a bit more. Sean says he's on his way. that gives me about ten minutes to explain everything to Alex. This is going to be interesting. 

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