Ch 33: Quality Time w/ Mate

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Xavier's POV:

Human has been such a pest lately. 'We have to go slow. We'll scare her away. We can't just mark her. Blah, blah, blah.' He keeps going on about how we have to be patient but I think if he actually grew a pair, and just told her the truth then we would be able to cuddle and have mate with us 24/7!!! But no. He won't even consider it. So now I'm taking charge. He's had his chance and now it's my turn. I tried to talk to human all week and then again before we even got here but no. Which leads us to where we are now. Human was about to lead us out of gamma's truck but I took the chance and took complete control. If he won't do it, I will. I walk over to the door and then turn to gamma. He must know I'm in charge because I notice his face change. He walks over to the door and hits the doorbell. Not long after, I smell mate's scent getting stronger. Soon mate opens the door and I just walk over to her. Gamma and mate talk real quick then he leaves. I huff. He shouldn't even be near her. She's my mate, not his. He can go find his for all I care. After mate watches gamma leave, I follow her inside. She sits on her kitchen island and does paperwork. I lay down as close as to her. I face away though, that way I can look for danger. Time passes when suddenly a door opens and in comes a male and female. They're all over each other and I wish we did that with our mate. The female gets too close to my mate so I let out a warning growl. No one hurts mate. Male or female! The male and mate talk a bit before they leave. After a little bit, mate gets up and goes upstairs. I follow a bit behind. Soon we get to her room and mate does a few things. Once mates done, she lays on her bed. I jump up and lay as close as I can. Mate just laughs and shakes her head. I love mate's laugh. Mate calls beta's mate and they start gossiping. I ignored it until I heard human's name. That piqued my interest.

"How was your day with Carter?" Mate asked while rubbing my head. Mate seems really invested in the conversation because she stops touching me while beta's mate is on the phone with her. I whine and use my nose to bump her. I want mate's touch! At this, mate just laughs at me. Mate starts rubbing my head again and it goes on for a bit longer. It was nice and peaceful for quite a bit of time, then my annoying human had to start trying to talk. I roll my eyes and huff out. Mate laughs a little more and kisses my muzzle. Mate gets up and goes to the bathroom. While she's in there, I figured I'd talk to my annoying human.

'What human?'

'You have to give me control back. You've had your time with mate. Let me have control back!' I huff. He gets to spend time with mate all the time. I don't get.

'Do you not trust me with MY mate?'

'Of course, I trust you when it comes to her safety and well-being but as of right now. I don't. You're not thinking rationally. And she has no clue what we are yet. You could do something that would scare her and cause her to want to leave us. And I know you don't want that.'

'Mate will be fine with me! She is always safe with me. And would be safe 24/7 if you would've just told her. But no you didn't so now we're doing this my way.' Human was about to say something but mate was coming back so I blocked him out. Just like he has done to me numerous times.

Mate comes back and lays back down on the bed. I get up and resituation myself next to her. Mate ends up on her phone for while. After a while, mate stopped and started watching tv. I shrugged it off and was about to go to bed. Before I closed my eyes, I saw mate texting human's phone number.

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