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"love's meaning is so endless and indescribable.
how else could i explain that the way she combs her hair in the evenings, 
leaves me believing that she's the center of the universe?"

They stared at each other, eyes locked, unwilling to look away incase this was a cruel dream. Perhaps the external forces of the universe did indeed take mercy of their souls after all. It seemed impossible, but here she was, just within an arm's reach as they gravitated closer to one another. He had been so lost without her, and now, he was found.

"Jasper..." Her voice was almost how he remembered it; the gentle way her tongue caressed his name, just like the first time she said it.

Slowly, apprehensively, he reached towards her, carefully taking her beautiful face between his shaky hands. He could feel her cold, marble skin beneath his fingers, and he could feel her intense emotions drumming against his, yearning to become entwined together. She was real, and she was here.

"Oh, my Daisy," his voice crackled as he cried, the venom seeping from his eyes in an empowering show of emotions. He lurched forward and embraced her tightly, afraid of letting go. One arm wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her as close as he possibly could, while his other hand buried into her vibrant, golden hair, cradling her to his chest. "I thought I lost you."

"I'll never leave you again, I promise." She clung to him desperately as she sobbed into his shirt. Every doubt, every second thought, drifted away as she relished in the feeling of his embrace, the touch she longed for too long.

While they were solely entranced by each other, around them the witnesses began to disperse. Peter and Charlotte guided everyone away from the reunited couple, leaving them to their moment while vaguely explaining the spectacle to those who asked. 

Hours passed, the sky grew dark, and Jasper and Daisy had not moved from their embrace. Jasper could still barely believe she was in his arms again, just where she belonged. He let her emotions engulf him, the serenity of the moment lulling them into an exchange of adoration and contentment.

"Darlin'... are you really here?" His voice was strained, desperate to hear her say that this wasn't a vivid nightmare.

"I'm here, I promise," his voice was weak and whisper quiet.

Jasper gently pried himself from her, his hand slipping from her hair to caress her cheek. She looked up at him, her aureate eyes drinking in every fine detail of his face that she missed when she was mortal.

"What happened, Daisy? How are you here?" He implored her.

"Peter... he saved me. I know I shouldn't have survived, but I did. And now I get to spend my life with you, just like it should have been the first time. If you'll have me?"

"Of course, I will, my love," he pressed his lips to her forehead, lingering for a moment while he composed himself. "God, Daisy, this feels like a dream."

"A good one?" She teased with a shaky chuckle.

"The best," he leant down and captured her lips in a searing kiss.

Instinctually, her arms raised to rest on his tall shoulders, her fingers entangling in her curls. His spare hand gripped her hip, greedily squeezing at her without the fear of hurting her anymore. The kiss was passionate, both trying ardently to convey their relief and devotion to one another. Every touch sent a burning fire of need straight to their souls.

Though not needing to breathe, Daisy pulled away bit by bit, her lips parted in pleasure. If they did not stop, she knew it would lead further rapidly.

Gently // jasper hale [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now