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26th November, 2001.


"my home is nothing more than the warmth of you."

Jasper and Daisy had arrived home from their getaway on Saturday, and ever since she had been complaining of a splitting headache. That was to be expected to a certain degree, and Carlisle couldn't see anything particularly wrong with her.

That was until the pain suddenly grew unbearably, causing her to keel over and collapse on the kitchen floor of the Cullen's home. Rose found her on the ground, sprawled next to her shattered mug, convulsing violently. Her eyes were rolled backwards, the mouth open as her body tried to catch a breath.

Rose screamed for help and her family came running. Jasper was immediately at Daisy's side, cradling her head off the floor and frantically begging for someone to do something. Carlisle was at work, so Edward was the fastest to call his father, quickly explaining what was going on.

"We need to get her to the hospital as soon as possible," Edward relayed to everyone. Emmett stepped forward to help Jasper lift her, only to be met with a vicious snarl.

"Don't touch her," he growled, his eyes black with fury and panic. His every instinct was screaming at him to keep her away from anyone while she was in such a vulnerable state, but he knew she needed help urgently. So, he lifted her off the floor, being cautious of supporting her head while she still shook in fit.

He sped her to his car, laid her gently across the back seats, took the driver's seat and sped off towards the hospital. 

He couldn't believe that this was happening. The image of her frail body spasming on the floor would forever be etched into his memory. He had never felt so helpless, so out of control. This couldn't be it yet, he hadn't had enough time with her, he never would. He had so much more he wanted to tell her, to show her, but this felt like the end.

By the time he arrived at the emergency department, Daisy's seizures had stopped but she still hadn't regained consciousness. Carlisle met his son at the door with a team of nurses and doctors, letting them retrieve her from the car under Jasper's watchful eye.

The rushed her through the doors and straight on, further into the hospital and out of their sight. Carlisle went to follow before Jasper clasped his shoulder.

"Where are they taking her?" He sounded distraught and lost.

"We need to run some tests to see what's gone wrong," the Cullen patriarch told him gently. "You can take a seat in the waiting room, everyone else will be here soon. I'll keep you updated, son. I promise."


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"she taught me that the little moments were the ones that stayed with you.
forever haunting - reminded you that everything was once all right."

Jasper was slumped in the uncomfortable hospital chair, staring blankly at the dull yellow wall in front of him. The rest of his family joined him hours ago, but he had yet to utter a word to them. Esme was attempting to comfort him, a soft hand on his back, stroking circles against his shirt. She had called Daisy's mother when they arrived, and she was sat in the corner, away from the Cullen's while she silently cried.

Alice sat on the other side of Jasper, staring off in a similar fashion as she tried to force a vision of some kind that gave her some inkling of the outcome. Edward was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest while he focused on trying to pick up on some information about Daisy from the plethora of voices in his head. Rose and Emmett sat together, hand in hand, both deeply concerned for their brother and their new sister.

Not only had Diasy brought Jasper to life, but she had charmed her way into the family's hearts. She was witty and sarcastic, creative and charismatic; she fit in perfectly. They all loved her like one of their own, and she loved them just as much.

"Ms. Marsh, Jasper," Carlisle called out, his voice wavering.

Jasper was quick to approach him, almost jumping out of his seat, while Ms. Marsh shakily rose from the chair and joined them apprehensive. She was scared, scared that it was even worse news.

"What's wrong with her?" The younger vampire urgently asked.

With a heavy sigh, Carlisle placed a firm hand on his son's shoulder.

"She's unconscious right now, I'm sorry," his eyes flickered between the pair. "Her condition has deteriorated very quickly. Seizures are typical of late-stage Glioblastoma. It seems that it has grown dangerously close to her brainstem, and we don't know if she will wake up."

Daisy's mom sobbed loudly, collapsing to her knees and wailing. It was a heartbreaking sound, echoing through the endless corridors of the hospital. Jasper was stood frozen, his heart slowing breaking inside of his chest. 

"I have to see her," he choked out, ignoring Carlisle's protests as he stalked down the hallway, following the unique scent of his little Daisy.

He found her room quicky, and the sight inside broke his spirit further. She looked so small in the hospital bed, copious amounts of wires and tubes attaching her frail body to whirring machines. Her skin was ashen, the dark circles under her eyes were worse than they were that morning, and her heartbeat was frighteningly slow.

"Oh darlin'," he whispered, slowly approaching her. His cold fingers reached out and gently brushed down her cheek, feeling her abnormally low temperature. He then trailed his fingers to her golden hair, which was fanned out around her head like a halo, and carefully combed through it.

This wasn't fair. If anyone deserved to live a long, health life, it was her. She had never done anything to justify this cruel fate. He would trade his life for hers if he could.

"My Daisy," he said softly, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. "Please don't leave me."


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