The Tell

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Max sighs as she looks down at her notebook and adds a finishing touch on her drawing of Derek Hale

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Max sighs as she looks down at her notebook and adds a finishing touch on her drawing of Derek Hale. She looks over at her phone to see no new messages. She shouldn't be surprised because Lydia and Jackson both ditched her tonight for a date night.

Most likely they'll end up watching The Notebook and Jackson will be upset, so maybe Max is glad to not be there.

She places her book down and opens her phone to see no response from Stiles. She tucks her knees in as she starts to go through their messages and starts to miss talking to him.

"Max." Max looks up to see her dad knocking on her door. "Hi daddy." She mutters placing her phone down. 'What's up?" She asks him. "Dinner's ready."

Max nods as Bobby Finstock walks over to her. "Are you okay?" He asks her taking a seat, "Because if something is going on. I won't tell your mother."


"I get it. It's high school. I work there but if there is something-"


"I'm here to listen not just as a parent but a teacher."

"Dad." Max says placing a hand on his mouth. "I don't know what you are saying but please be quiet." Bobby nods as he removes his daughter's hand. "I don't know where that thing has been." He mutters staring at her.

"Bobby," Amy calls walking into the room. "Go and set the table." Bobby nods as he kisses Max's head. "I'm just trying to say, I love you sweetie." He says before walking out. Max watches as Amy takes her father's seat. "Now tell me what's going on?"

"I did something stupid and now I'm paying for my actions." Max mutters. "I might've caught feelings for Stiles. And I don't know how to act around him anymore. I don't know what to do."

Amy chuckles as she grabs her daughter's hand. "I'm guessing it was the kiss I saw? You just have to be Maxine Finstock, my beautiful, smart and amazing daughter. "

Max blushes as she hides her face hearing her mom laugh. "Let's go downstairs." Amy says helping Max out of her bed, "And lets go eat before your father eats everything."

Both Finstock women laugh as Max places her head on her mom's shoulder leaving her phone behind.


Max sits down in Harris' class with an empty seat next to her. She plays with her pencil as she hears Danny trying to talk to her about what was up with Jackson. She was on edge not only because Stiles was ignoring her but last night Lydia and Jackson were attacked by something last night.

It was during a movie when her mom's phone rang and she stayed silent lancing over to Max. Amy tried to stay quiet but with the call from the Sheriff she was on her way out to make sure everything was okay.

Of course Max cornered it out of her mom and almost had a panic attack in her father's arms after her mom left.

"Hey." Max looked up to see Stiles taking a seat next to her. She flashed a smile as he sat down next to her. "Did you hear about Jackson?"

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