Chapter 4

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Scarlett p.o.v

My eyes start to slowly open, my vision is blurry to start with but after a few seconds, I can see I am not in the bedroom with the others but I am in the medical wing of the castle how did I get here the last thing I remember is yelling at Fabian then waking up here, I can hear muffled voices outside my door I slowly get up and sneak over to the door then open it just a little so I can see out. There is the hallway stands Fabian and a female doctor who has her back to me, I believe talking about me.

Doctor - her tests have come back sir.

Wait why does that voice seem so familiar? I keep listening.

Fabian - well why did she pass out?

Doctor - from what our tests show she is 3 weeks pregnant.

I cover my mouth with one hand holding back my gasp as I place my other hand over my belly I am pregnant again with mine and Blake's 4th child?.

Fabian - goddam it!!. So what are my opinions?

"His opinions" it's my fucking baby!!

Doctor - well sir this is just my opinion but it is her baby so we can't just make her abort it.

I have heard enough I am about to say when the doctor turns around showing her face.....No it's can't be...

Sara - former Luna of The Blood Rose Pack

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Sara - former Luna of The Blood Rose Pack

Mum?! How can she be here?? The last time anyone saw her was last year after my father was killed by rogues mum went into depression and disappeared, we look everywhere for her however there was no sign of her anywhere. Wait why are her eyes a different colour? Is it even really her?

Fabian - I wasn't planning on having her abort it anyway, I will let her have her pup let her have a peaceful pregnancy.

So what now? What the hell can be up to this time, Blair suddenly comes into the hallway when she sees Fabian and my mum she stops in front of them and bows her head to Fabian keeping it down as she speaks.

Fabian - Blair what is it?

Blair - master I would like to see how Scarlett is doing, may I go in and see her?

Fabian looks to mum who nods.

Sara - she should be ok to see people by now.

Fabian - very well, head in Blair I will be there in a few minutes.

Yeah that we'll be right after Blair bowed her head she come towards the door so I go back to the bed and sit down on it, within a few seconds the door opens and Blair's looks relieved that I am ok.

Blair - Scarlett you're awake!

She is quick to close the door then comes over to me giving me a quick hug before pulling back.

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