155 : Rescue Sheng Yunshen

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Ning Yuzhou made a crispy and delicious roast suckling pig for them. When roasting, it was brushed with a layer of honey fat, and the taste of honey fat penetrated into the meat, making the meat a higher level. The whole roast suckling pig was crispy on the outside and tender and delicious inside.

The people and monsters in the cave were very satisfied with the food, and they were still not satisfied aftereating.

The suckling pig is too small to eat.

Wen Qiao said: "Husband, if we encounter pigs again next time, let's catch a few more little piglets."

Wen Tutu and Wen Gungun strongly support and say they can help.

Ning Yuzhou smiled and said, "Yes."

The white rock piglets taste really good. They are monsters that grow up on a kind of spirit fungus that grows on white rock. The meat is pure and has no fishy smell. They are great for roasting. When Ning Yuzhou met the group of white rock pigs running wild, he knew that the white rock pig tasted good, so he took a little piglet with a net bag.

Aha really liked it.

After eating the roast suckling pig, they sat together and chatted about the secret environment.

The secret realm has been open for five months, and the secret realm will be closed in another month. I heard that the last month is the most dangerous. This danger is not the secret realm, but the cultivator in the secret realm.

Because at this time, the people who can survive in the secret realm have more or less found a lot of good things, the treasures of heaven and earth are touching, and few people can bear greed. It is said that many cultivators with ulterior motives will not specifically look for treasures after entering the secret realm, but wait until the last month of the secret realm to grab someone else's, which is easier than finding it by themselves.

Ning Yuzhou groaned: "There is one month left. We can just find a place to stay and wait for the secret to close."

They have gotten a lot of things along the way, and there is no need to run around for the last month to attract people's attention. Although there are many good things in the Secret Realm of Thousand Islands, they have to be fetched. And based on their cultivation base, it is not appropriate to confront those in the Yuanling Realm and Yuanzong Realm, and it is better to find a place to hide and spend the last month safely and steadily.

Wen Qiao nodded, "I think so too, but unfortunately we haven't met Senior Sister Qin."

Not to mention Qin Hongdao and the others, even the disciples of the Scarlet Heaven Sect are rare. It can be seen that this secret realm is so big that they have not run much, and this time has passed.

But looking back on where they went, Wen Qiao felt that it was normal not to encounter them.

After a good day's rest, the two left the cave.

Ning Yuzhou smiled and said: "Speaking of a safe place, when I first entered the secret realm, the place where the plant-type monsters grew when I first landed is quite safe."

Wen Qiao recalled that the meat touches that were used for frying, boiling, roasting, and frying were very delicious. She liked the plant-type monsters, and did not dislike them for their strange and ugly looks—perhaps because they tasted too good. Only then will it grow into an ugly and disgusting appearance, so as not to be eaten as a delicacy by other predators.

It is a pity that they have traveled along the way, although not many places have passed, but it is very dangerous, it is not easy to return to the plant-type monster beast.

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