32 : Husband's past

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After the Lingyu flowerpot was carved, Wen Qiao moved to a house, from white jade to spiritual jade carving.

The monster car sprinted all the way. It was different from the groggy way when they came. Wen Qiao is now very energetic. As a young seedling, she feels that she does not need to sleep. She is still very energetic and trembling every day. It is a good seedling.

Wen Qiao felt that this might have something to do with the spirit medicine that Ning Yuzhou feeds her three meals a day. If she eats too well, it doesn't seem to matter if she takes a rest.

Just thinking about it, she saw her husband again starting to raise the seedlings and water her daily routine, three meals a day absolutely must not be less, just as before when she was in human form, he fed her three meals a day.

After drinking the liquid medicine, Wen Qiao shook the leaves and rubbed Ning Yuzhou's hand, wanting to chat with him.

Ning Yuzhou had a good temper, and asked indulgently: "What do you want to talk about?"

Xiao Miaomiao's leaves rubbed his fingers violently.
With beautiful lips, Ning Yuzhou smiled and said, "You want to talk about me?"

Xiao Miaomiao's leaves swayed up and down, nodding like a human. Since the last time she heard Cheng Haodi casually mentioned something, Wen Qiao was very curious about her husband's past. Although she was a little embarrassed, she was still happy to understand some of Ning Yuzhou's past.

Ning Yuzhou held the spirit jade flowerpot, and casually threw a spirit pill to the demon rabbit who had come by, and flicked the long sleeve to move it away.

The couple chatted, what's the matter with this rabbit coming over?

Ning Yuzhou is so stingy.

The demon rabbit doesn't care, just eat it with a spirit pill, and he cleverly nests in the corner, watching the seedlings from time to time.

"...Although I can't practice, but I am quite interested in the skills of the pill talisman formation and other minor skills, and there is a relatively complete inheritance in my awakened bloodline. The pill talisman formation is all involved, so I will sort it out.

Leave it to the Ning clan to make arrangements. Later, my father and the others found that I was quite savvy about these minor techniques. Although they couldn't operate it, they had their own comprehension, so they asked me to point out the alchemists and the formation masters in the family..."

Not being able to practice does not mean that he doesn't know how to practice. On the contrary, he is extremely intelligent since childhood, with high comprehension, and inheritance in the bloodline. Even if he has not used his hands, it is easy to point to those alchemists and talisman masters.

Over the years, Ning's alchemy master and Fulu master were all trained by him.

Wen Qiao remembered that they had practiced in the Lintai Valley Hunting Valley.

When the Subtlescale Guards fought the enemy, Fulu scattered away without money. There were countless kinds of spirit pills, and he had prepared quite well, and finally understood.

At that time, I thought that the Ning family had a rich background that made him such a prodigal, but he knew that these things were clearly refined by his instructions, and he had a credit for them. Naturally, they didn't take them seriously.

In this way, Wen Qiao also understands why Ning Shi takes him so seriously.

Can you ignore it? A Ning Yuzhou with a complete blood heritage, no amount of genius disciples can replace it. It's no wonder that Ning Shi was so protective of him, and he did not hesitate to send a team of submarine guards to protect him, and Ning Yaozhu would be jealous of him in vain.

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