Chapter 36: Esther's Real Name

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Esther jumped at him with her hand slapping his mouth the moment those words were spoken.

"You're not supposed to say that out loud!" She whispered hurriedly, "why would you do that?"

"Well, how else should I refer to the man? Do you even know his name?" Cornelius pointed out slyly.

"Well, then don't." She hushed haughtily. "Kindly do not ever speak those words again, no one is aware about his true identity but me in this town."

"Oh, what a pity..." Cornelius sang in a conspiring tone but Esther had had enough of his scheming for the day. She sighed when she failed to understand his words and turned around to join her mother who'd had her eyes on her this entire time.

"Are you not too loyal towards a man who made you sob late night in a library." His words made Esther's steps stick to the wood underneath.

She turned around with bewilderment dominanting her expressions. "How would you know that?"

Cornelius began taking steps towards her when Esther took a step back with her hands in her front signaling him to stop where he was. "I thought you only reached when I walked outside?"

"Then consider this my way of telling you the truth."

"Why would you lie in the first place." She asked with disgust, her eyes were hate coated and her forehead wrinkled in disbelief.

"You begged me to lie, Esther. Do not act unaware." He said tilting his head to a side.

"Is that your way of apologizing for your lies?" Esther's word stung but Cornelius was a man of masquerade. He knew well to hide his emotions.

"It seems you are extremely upset with me."

"Should I not be?" Esther snapped back.

"Judging by the sweet smiles you shared earlier with the man who lied to you for another woman, I suppose not." He replied with a nonchalant shrug while he walked up to her slowly. Esther was now too dumbfounded to care.

"So you were aware that he was lying and that he went to another woman and yet you assisted his lie by vouching for him in front of my mother. Just because the other woman was your sister, I suppose? Do you think that makes you eligible to lie?" She asked interrogatively with eyes that could look into one's soul.

Cornelius wanted to tell her he wasn't aware and that he too was fooled and that the liar was not Edward but his sister however that was less important now. Her accusing eyes were drilling holes in his soul as he walked up closer to her.

"At least I had a reason, Esther, at least I was keeping a promise I made to my sister." He said sounding almost defensive. "Unlike someone who not only lied but broke a promise and is yet so easily forgiven. I am afraid I almost envy him."

His words made way to Esther's heart quicker than she prefered. His eyes were making her question her judgment and she did not like that at all. She was happy to be there, with her family and the fake Duke spending the day fishing and she couldn't afford to destroy it all just for the sake of his words.

"I am afraid I cannot complete this conversation. Good Day Reuben!" She added in a plain voice and gathered her dress to walk down the bridge.

"Was it the horse?" Reuben shot another question that made her stop walking. For one thing, he always knew exactly what she did not want to hear.

"What about the horse?" She asked turning around slowly.

"It was the horse, was it not?" He added and scoffed to his side making Esther go mad in restlessness.

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