22 : Sunday

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Step Twenty Two: Be careful not to bombard him with notifications and attention by sending multiple text messages in a row or liking more than 2 posts at a time. When responding to texts, send 1-2 messages as your response and then wait for him to answer! If you're speaking in person, try to keep a balanced conversation. That means listening, yes, but you also need to have some input!!

For the first Sunday in my life, waking up in the morning is a darned jolly thing.

I'm next to Jason. I'm in Jason's bed. I'm hugging his side; he has an arm around my shoulder.


I check to make sure my pants are still on, because, if they aren't, I'm going to scream.

They're on. Thank goodness. So Jason and I didn't... yeah. I sigh with relief, actually forgetting to say it out loud. My heartbeat quickens as Jason pulls me closer, mumbling something.

"What?" I ask, just like every idiot in every sappy romance movie ever. It takes me a moment to realize that Jason is asleep; he can't hear me. I want to smack my forehead for multiple reasons all at once.

Trying not to jostle around too much, I lean over, searching for my phone on the nightstand. It's not there. My pockets? Not there. I briefly wonder how we ended up back here as some of last evening's events come back to me. I remember everything up until the moment I started drinking.

Still nestled into Jason's warm embrace, I smile with content. I wouldn't mind spending my entire Sunday with him. Or my entire life. I'm not very picky; beggars can't be choosers.

Something vibrates against my foot. Carefully, I maneuver it up to my hand using some strange techniques I picked up while dancing, and, lo and behold, it's my phone. I have a text from Blake. Technically three texts, but I round down.


u and Jason just...

we're at home don't worry
tell Amanda thank you from us
and that we'll talk more later

have fun ;)
at " h o m e "

u and Russell better be careful

that's so random
and also uncalled for
i hate you

ilyt 😘


Okay, so that's taken care of. I honestly hope we said a proper good-bye when we left last night, but I can't remember anything. Worth it, though. Getting drunk was fun, even though I'm not legal here or in Australia.

I need to... um... excrete. This presents a problem, because I don't want to get out of the bed. I wouldn't know how to without waking Jason up.

Giving it a go anyway, I awkwardly turn in place, shifting so that my legs hang over the edge while my torso doesn't move. Grunting with slight effort, I detach myself from Jason and roll out of the bed in one move. I should be a stunt-double at this rate, to be honest. I think my moves are epic.

Not epic enough, though.

Jason's arms clutch at nothing, and I regret not putting a pillow in my place. As I stand up, his eyes open. They would seem dull to anyone else, but, to me, they hold the universe. He gives a small, confused smile at me, and it becomes painfully obvious that he has no idea why I was in his bed, either.

"Morning, Jason," I greet, sitting back down on the edge of the bed.

He sits up, raking a hand through his perfect hair in a feeble attempt to pat it back down. "Morning," he croaks out. He presses his free hand against the side of his head, squeezing his eyes back shut. "My head really hurts."

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