Chapter 34 Andrew's Answers

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Xavier's POV

          "Be honest with me," I told Andrew as soon as the door shut behind Addie and Ben. "One of the only reasons you're even alive right now is because of my mate, but if I had it my way you'd been dead and I wouldn't waste another second on this."

          Andrew nodded solemnly. "I know. And I know that you won't believe me, but I never wanted to hurt Addison. Mr. Davis lured me into all of this," he waved his hands around, "by telling me that you're the reason my mom is dead."

          "What did he tell you exactly?" I narrowed my eyes.

          "You remember when my mom died, right? I was out of school for a while because of it."

          "Yeah," I nodded my head. "The paper said that it was some free animal attack that happened while she was out camping or something."

          "Yeah, they said that it was a cougar attack while she was out hiking. And that's what I believed," Andrew took a deep breath. "But Mr. Davis told me that it was just a cover-up. That my mom died from a werewolf attack and everyone was just covering it up. That you're the one that killed her."

          "We were kids!" I exclaimed. "Why would I even kill your mom? I mean, why?"

          "Mr. Davis put on a good show of convincing me otherwise. He told me that you killed her to keep her quiet."

          "Ok, I get that you would want to get revenge on me, but what I don't get is why you would want to hurt Addison? She just moved here and didn't know anything." I could feel my wolf wanting to come forward and rip him to shreds for hurting our mate.

          "Mr. Davis' mate," Andrew said. "Mr. Davis' wanted to hurt you the same way you hurt him. He wanted you to see your soulmate die. That was his plan as soon as he met Addison."

          "But you didn't let him," I pointed at Andrew. "Why didn't you let him? I mean you kissed her during that play, and wouldn't leave her alone all during school. I could feel the anxiety come off of her in waves when you were around."

Just remembering how Addison felt whenever he was near had me seeing red.

"Because I knew the truth. I knew that Addison didn't deserve any of it. But I went along with Mr. Davis because I knew that it was the only way to keep her safe," Andrew leaned forward in his seat slightly. "If I backed out then he would just get someone else to do it, someone, that actually believed in his twisted ways. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew that I could have helped her and didn't."

          "I want to believe you, Andrew. But I don't know how." I told him truthfully.

          I wanted to believe him, that he did the right thing by staying and helping Addie. But I'm an alpha, I can't just blindly trust everyone that tells me to. I have to think about my pack, and most importantly my mate. I can't just let anyone into my pack that could hurt us.

          I need to be a leader. An alpha.

"I know," Andrew nodded his head at me. "I wouldn't trust me either. And I understand that you have to look after your pack, so I'll go, pack my bags and I promise that I won't ever step foot on your land again."

I could hear Addison's voice at the back of my mind, telling me to trust him. To trust Andrew and give him a second chance, for her. I could almost picture the look of disappointment and sadness that would cover her face when I tell her that Andrew's leaving.

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