Chapter 16 Human Dating Customs

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          Andrew was becoming more, and more pushy as the week went on.  At first, it was just him showing up at my locker every morning, and then it was him sitting too close for comfort beside me in English, and finally, it was him getting switched somehow to my biology partner. It was like the conversation we had on Monday where he was so sweet and understanding was just a dream. 

          "So," mom started off slowly. "Any boys?"

          I was in the middle of taking a bit of the pasta she just made when I started choking on it. "At least give me a warning next time you want to pry into my love life next time," I tried to brush her off. 

          I wasn't ready to introduce her to Xavier yet, but I knew that I would have to do it soon with the official ceremony fast approaching. Cecelia insisted on taking me shopping this weekend to find the perfect dress.

          "So I'll take that as a yes," my mom replied.

          My mom came up with her new, favourite idea that since she's working more hours and we moved to a new town that we should have dinner together at least once a week. I should have known that it was all just a ploy to get me alone and interrogate me. 

          "If you mean do I have friends that happen to be boys?" I rolled my eyes at her. "Then yes, yes I do have friends that tour boys. But I do not have a boyfriend, mom."

          "I'm not here to judge, Addison. I was around your age when I met and fell in love with your father," mom started to launch straight into the 'how I met your dad' story that I could recite my heart at this point.

          "I know, I know," I groaned at her shoving another fork full of pasta in my mouth. "You guys were high-school sweethearts and went to the same college, where he proposed and you guys had a small wedding, finished college and later had me."

          "Ok Miss know it all," my mom laughed at me. "My point is that Midnight Creek might be a great place, but you'll never know if you don't let yourself be open to the possibilities." 

          "And this is my cue to leave," I announced shaving the rest of my pasta in my mouth and quickly loading my dishes into the dishwasher before bidding my mom a bye and leaving to my room.

          "I love you too!" Mom shouted up the stairs at me, I could hear the laugh in her words.

          I quickly got ready for bed, throwing on an oversized t-shirt and some short shorts before doing the last of my homework. With everyone happening this week homework has been the least of my worries, but I had a biology test coming up and needed to study. I was scribbling down study points at my desk when I heard a dull thud, followed by another, and another.

          "What the hell is that?" I wondered to myself out loud.

          I slowly got up from my desk as the thuds continued, I grabbed my biology textbook for protection and tip-toed over to my window. I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't Xavier standing shirtless throwing rocks at my window. 

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