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Jake stood from his bed and walked to me, toe to toe. He lifted his hand to my hair and brushed it to the side. My breath hitched, he was so close. I could feel his warmth.

"You're beautiful." He said.

I didn't move and inch, as he got impossibly closer to me. He stood on his toes and pushed his lips to mine. His hand moved to the back of my neck to push me closer to him. No movement, just the feeling of his soft and warm lips on mine.

Too soon, he separated from me. I went cold as he turned around and layed back down in his bed. "Goodnight Sunghoon." He said as he rolled over.

"Goodnight Jake." I whispered as I grabbed the suit and ran.

A billion questions racing through my mind. What did this mean? Why did he do that? It's the 1770's for gods sake, princes don't just kiss their male servants!

I ran to my room and sunk on the floor, practically trembling from the adrenaline. I liked it, Of course I liked it, but I had no idea how to feel.

Water. I need water. I need water to clear my head.

I went to the closest kitchen and grabbed a mug of water. Its refreshingness ran down my through as I wandered the halls.

"What are you doing here?" A voice said. It was Prince Sunoo. I didn't really have the time to talk to him right now, after all it was 1am and I think I just kissed my soulmate, but I can't exactly ignore him.

I bowed.

"Come here, I need your help." He said, a cheeky smile on his face. I wordlessly followed him, still partly in a drunken-daze from my kiss.

As I walked into his bedroom, he shut the door behind us.

I turned to look at him as he started undoing his tie.

"What are you doing, Sir?" I asked. From what I understand, Princes only change in front of their workers. I work for Jake. "D-Do you need Heuningkai perhaps?" I asked him.

"No, he won't." He said as he took a step to me. "You tell no one." He said as he reached to the top of my shirt and started undoing buttons.

"S-stop this isn't okay." I said.

"Did you just tell me, a prince, to stop?" He asked.

"I just don't understand what you are doing or what's going on." I said slowly.

"Isn't it obvious? I need you. Since the second I came, I saw your beauty. I will pay Jake a large sum of money to take you as one of my workers. You will have a fulfilling life, of course. No one will know about us, just a little secret between you and me." He said as he kissed me neck.

I took a step away from him. "The courting ball is tomorrow, you are getting married to one of them soon!" I exclaimed.

"It's not as if anyone actually likes the person they married silly. It just makes the kingdom happy, they get a heir and the future queen and I will barley need to converse. Don't you know how many mistresses most kings have?"

He wasn't wrong, I remember in history classes pretty much every king slept with 10 different people, but I was raised differently then them. This isnt okay.

"I will have to politely decline your offer-" I said as he reached up and tried to kiss me, his hand entangled in my hair. At that same time the door opened and we heard as gasp. We both turned to see who it was, and prince Niki stood there with a very confused look on his face.

He started trying to leave, as Sunoo said "Stop."

Niki, being younger, listened to Sunoo.

"Sunghoon, you may go. Niki, please stay here." Sunoo said. As I left, I swear I saw a tear fall from Niki's face.

Is it possible that he likes Sunoo?!?!?!? No way, again this is the 1700's. Not only is it unlikely to find 1 gay person, let alone a group of them.

I walked back to my bedroom, a billion MORE questions in my head.

The Painted Prince |Jakehoon| ~Enhypen~Where stories live. Discover now