And forever always..

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" can I come in...?"

Ian looked up from his files.. when he saw her by the door he sighed..

" I'm busy.. "

He went on arranging the files
She decided to go in anyways
She pulled a chair and sat..
But he went on ignoring her as if she wasn't there

" Are you mad at me..?"

He was still quiet..

" I think you're mad at me"

He sighed loudly and looked up at her

" I don't know Belle.. you tell me, are we getting married?" He almost shouted

She looked down at her fidgeting fingers.. he gave a humourless chuckle

" Yah.. that's what I thought''

She stood up and looked at him a little bit offended

" Just what did you think Ian..?, What?.. that as soon as my childhood crush waltz in I will cancel the wedding.. is that the kind of a person you picture me to be..?"

He looked at her puffy red eyes..and for a minute he felt bad for shouting at her..

" I don't know Belle.. the way you looked at him--- "

" He's a friend before Everything Ian.. if you see Shira hurt.. won't you feel bad just because you dated her?.."

" I didn't think of it like that.."

".. I never dated Ahmed.. he was just a crush and I'm over it.. but I'm not giving up on our friendship "

He sighed..

" I'm sorry Belle.. "

She looked down.. before looking at his face with a small smile..

" I'm choosing you.. promise to stay ..."

He smiled pulling her to his chest

" Of course I will always be by your side.. I promise" he said

And as if on queue her tears fell..
that's what she wanted right..?

Was this how it was supposed to feel..?

Thinking that he hurt her feelings by doubting her he softly pat her back..

" I'm sorry Belle.. I really am.."

When she pulled away he helped her wipe her tears.. then kissed her forehead.. the kiss lasting longer that usual..

" Ian I --- '' the door flung open and Shira walled in..

" Oh I'm I Interrupting something?" She looked at them as they let go of each other..

Ian glared at her as Isqaar offered a pleasant smile..

" No it's okey.. " she turned to Ian.." I'll see you then" she turned to leave but not before sending another smile to Shira

" You're awfully nice today" Shira
Rolled her eyes

" You too"

" I fell generous.. " Shira said as isqaar walked out

" What do you want?"

She chuckled.. " wow.. you've really grown some balls haven't you?"

He walked to his chair and sat
But said nothing.

" Hmm....okay, atleast be nice as I said I'm feeling generous today I won't sass you out.." she smirked

" What do you really want Shira..?" He sighed tiredly

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