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" I'm still in a mission Jafar"
Naseer frowned as Jafar kept nagging

" But Isqaar has not seen you for almost a year now " Jafar said

Naseer held a sigh that was about to escape.. " Isqaar is no longer a child.. she doesn't need to see me regularly"

Jafar frowned " call her then.. like you do to me"

Naseer rolled his eyes " I don't call you.. you call me "

" She misses you..  alot "

Naseer closed his eyes.. as his chest tightened.. when he opened his eyes they were bloodshot

" I miss her too... "

" She needs you here.. she's even making reckless decisions " Jafar complained

" What do you mean reckless? "  Naseer frowned

" She's dating.."

Naseer rolled his eyes
" Isqaar's twenty Jafar .. she can date. Infact this is good, it will help her forget ''

" But what if it doesn't?" Jafar challenged

" And what if she does.." Naseer said

Jafar was quiet.

" Is she happy..? With him.. is she happy?" Naseer asked

" well she seems happy... But---

" But ?.."

" I don't know Naseer.. we all do not know what happens in that therapy room.. what if he pitied her due to her failed love story or whatever" Jafar said

Naseer's frown deepened " she's dating her psychiatrist?"

" Yes.. he's really nice..I hate that he's really nice..I think he's like hey.. maybe I should just date her to keep her company " Jafar spoke dramatically

Naseer held the bridge of his nose..
" That's just crazy.. if he's a nice guy then let them date.. "

Jafar groaned" why are you all being so impossible!? "

Naseer rose his brow
" all..? "

Jafar was quiet for some time.. inwardly cursing himself

"Jafar...? What do you mean all??"

Jafar gave an awkward chuckle .." well I told Isqaar too she refused.. it not like there's someone else apart from you that I can tell "

Naseer sighed.." don't fight with her .. let her choose"

Jafar sighed in relief
' that was close '

" In the mean time keep your eyes on the doctor.. nothing fishy. " Naseer warned

Jafar smiled " what do you mean fishy?" He teased

" I don't know... How about keep him out of her pants"

Jafar laughed " and here you are speaking about moving on.."

" Well we can't risk another heartbreak can we? " Naseer smiled

After a minute of silence Jafar spoke up

" Naseer ... You knew Ahmed better than anyone"

Naseer frowned.. clenching the phone tight in his palm

" We have heard this conversation before Jafar"

" And you shut me out..  if you have really moved on as you said why can't you just hear me out"

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