27| The Photo

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I am on my period—

Bloody Mary decided to visit me today, unfortunately. So now I am on my bed not wanting to move with seven bags of chips and three bags of gummy bears next to me. I am just sitting here at 1 PM watching The originals—which I should have since I am already extra emotional because of my period—and devour junk food all to forget about the suffering my period is delivering me.

I swear period cramps are worst than getting shot. And I am speaking of experience—

"Astraea get the fuck out of bed" I heard Ares's voice yell from outside

"It's lunch, come on. Please" My other twin begged

"No" I yelled back

"Fine" I simply heard before my bedroom door burst open, my twins standing there and staring at me smugly

Atlas approached my bed and suddenly took off my sheets and proceeded to steal my food. Ares then came and picked me up much to my protests.

"Let me go, you piece of stinky ass shit" I scream while trying to get out of his strong grip

"Cant do little sis. We are going down for dinner" he said making me huff annoyed

We walked into the kitchen where my whole family was sitting—I was still on Ares's shoulder. He deposed me in a chair and took a seat beside me.

"Hello, Bambina" Hermes greeted me,  I looked up and glared at him making him throw questioning glances toward my twins who just shrugged.

I gazed at the delicious-looking food at the table and immediately start filling my plate. I took four cordon-bleu and a container full of fried potato with cheese and hot sauce. The way I started devouring them was embarrassing. The sauce and cheese were smeared all over my face and hands, I licked my fingers then took out a tissue and wiped the mess that was on my face.

When I finally noticed that room was dead silent I looked up to be met by the faces of my stunned family that was looking at me weirdly. Their faces were hilarious and I just couldn't help the laugh that escaped my mouth. By now I was laughing uncontrollably to a point where tears were running down my cheeks. I got up from my seat trying to regulate my laughter but ended up falling on Valerio—who was sitting on the other side next to me.

"Get off of me you fatass" Val cried out

My laugh immediately came to a stop and my amused eyes were replaced by a glare directed toward Valerio.

"What did you just fucking called me" I scowled at him, gripping the silver knife that was on the table tightly.

"Oh, shit" Val cursed alarmed before harshly shoving me off of him making me fall on the floor, he instantly ran out of the kitchen to God knows where, but I wasn't going to let this go, I got up and ran after him

"Get back here, you fucking dry, stinky cunt" I yelled

When I couldn't find him, I went back to the kitchen to see Val hiding behind Hermes fearfully

"Okay.....why don't you sit down and let's deal with whatever this is normally," Mom said softly

My angry demeanor was immediately let down and tears formed in my two-colored eyes.

"Momma, am I really fat?" I asked sadly, lowering my gaze to the floor

"Oh, precious. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen" she caressed my cheeks softly with her thumb

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