RANT: Dumbledore vs Chiron

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Okay this was originally supposed to be a Dumbledore only rant, but someone told me that apparently people don't like Chiron for the most outrageous reasons??? So yeah, I decided to include Chiron in this too so let's goooo!

Let's start off with Dumbledore...

Honestly, the way he was written was sooo confusing but I really don't like him 😐 He's really hard for me to understand, so what I'm gonna say below is all JUST MY OPINION!

I don't think he's evil like some fics depict him as, but he's definitely not a good guy. He's a grey character that leans more to the darker sider than the lighter side. He had good goal (defeating wizard Nazi overlord wannabe), but his methods were just really dark (and unbelievably stupid)

He is a huuuuge manipulator. Like genius level manipulator though there were some scenes where he did some stupid things (like how he talked to Harry after Sirius died). I feel like since day one he was planning on using Harry solely to defeat Voldemort and to see him as an important chess piece on the board. 

He dumped Harry with the Dursleys, knew about the abuse he was getting from them but didn't care because he was just supposed to be an important pawn to his plans to defeating Voldemort. Harry is a pawn, he shouldn't care for the wellbeing of a pawn especially since he was already aware that the Durseleys wouldn't go TOO far with their abuse. As long he Harry was still able to face Voldemort at the end, then he was fine with however he was treated back at home. 

But I feel like... he slowly started to care for him, which wasn't part of the plan. To me, it just sort of explains why he always did genuinely nice things for Harry, but then pushed him away and repeated the cycle. He just seemed like he was struggling to stick with the plan and push his grandfatherly feelings to the boy aside. It's the typical thing with most manipulators: feelings get in the way so it's best to get rid of them and not get attached to the pawn. Especially if that pawn is supposed to die at the end. 

So yeah, Dumbledore really tried hard to stop himself from caring any further for Harry because one, he's supposed to be just a pawn to him and two, he's a pawn that's going to die and Dumbledore already faced one too many losses to go through that again. 

Don't mistake this as me pitying the dude. Nope, I still hate him. I just really respect how manipulative he is and how well he controls his emotions (if my opinion of him is correct). He definitely uses people to his advantage like Snape (and no, you shouldn't pity Snape for being used too, he still sucks ass) and Harry, the two people he used the most.

Regardless of that, THE WAY HE TREATS HIS PAWNS ARE SO STUPID THOUGH??? I get that he's a manipulator and shouldn't care much for the wellbeing of the people he's using but he did NOT handle Harry right!

If I wanted to use someone from the very fucking start, I wouldn't leave them in an abusive home (and no, I don't care about the stupid blood wards, I'm sure there were other options). Dumbledore took too much of a risk with this because what if the abuse went too far? What if they starved Harry death? What if they neglected him so badly they left him in some store or whatever and he got kidnapped? He's not watching the house 24/7 so literally ANYTHING could've happened. 

I get that leaving Harry emotionally damaged would make him vulnerable enough for Dumbles to easily manipulate him, BUT THAT WAS TOO RISKY! The blood wards only protected him IF HE WAS HOME. If the Durseleys left the house, Death Eaters would've swooped right in and be like "hey make ur nephew leave the house so we can kill him" and they would've just gone "lol okay!" and bam, dead Harry.

Also if you were manipulating someone, you would want to be nice to them so they could trust you right??? REMEMBER HOW DUMBLEDORE TALKED TO HARRY AFTER SIRIUS DIED?!

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