Summaries & Titles

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For summaries... um... yeah, I'm shit at summaries so I really can't talk  😂 😂 😂

But I'll tell you what to NOT do! 

Please for the love of god do not put your entire goddamn plotline in the summary. At least leave SOME shit out.

And that's all I got. Lmao, I really suck at summaries guys, I'm sorry!!!

As for titles!

Please don't put something weird like "Arranged Marriage to Draco Malfoy?!" or "Snape's Daughter" or "The Other *insert character's surname*" 

Same thing as the summary, don't write out your entire plot in the title "I'm the Forgotten Potter and I Get Abused A Lot :( My Boyfriend Is Also Draco Malfoy, The Slytherin Badboy Who My Brother Hates, And My Godfather is My Potions Professor And..." 

...You get the point. 

Make it short and simple, ten words or less please! And I also know that people tend to add the love interest in the title too. You can do that! But maybe just put the character's name instead of "Harry Potter Love Story". 

Either just put the title and then "Harry Potter" or "H.P." or "H. Potter" whatever, you get it. 

If you're doing a series or a sequel/prequel, you should probably make sure your book titles have a similar theme. 

Like for my series, the book titles are this:

Aletheia i.(pjo/hp)

Proairesis ii.(pjo/hp)

Aporia iii.(pjo/hp)

Eudaimonia iv.(pjo/hp)

They are all Greek philosophical terms, so they relate to each other.

Another example would be the Twilight series: Twilight, Eclipse, New Moon, and Breaking Dawn. They are all times of the day. Again, they relate to each other, same themes and everything.

If your book one is titled "A Lion's Heart", your second book probably shouldn't be "Surviving Hogwarts" or whatever. It could be "A Lion's Courage" or "A Lion's Secret", it could be anything as long as it follows the theme!!!

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