Come out come out whoever you are

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It had been three  and a half weeks since Jimin left, his friends had searched but to no avail.Wherever Jimin was he had become adept at covering his tracks.Jin had decided to open the coffee pot determined that his friend had an income wherever he was or a business to come back to if he ever returned. Jimin must have realised from the money going into the account that Jin was there as he was the only other person with a set of keys so after the first weeks money had been banked a cheque came for Jin in the post with a note attached-wages and incidentals, Jungkook immediately chasing up the postmark to no avail Jimin seemed to be moving around leaving no trace.
Jungkook couldn't ever remember being this unhappy , he didn't eat well but drank himself into oblivion some nights just wanting the pain too go away, but it never did, he wanted his Jimin back. Nothing seemed worthwhile without Jimin there, he missed the sassy omega would love to hear him tell him off. As if things couldn't get any worse the day arrived when he suddenly got overwhelmed with lust and realised his rut was here again, he told Namjoon he was hiding out on his own seeing his rut through as if Jimin wasn't there he didn't want anyone despite how painful he knew it could be,because he knew deep inside Jimin would  be doing  the same.

Jimin sat in the small bookshop which was also a coffee shop, he drank black coffee convincing himself it kept him alert, he didn't want to be in a predicament of not being able  to get away from an Alpha if one chose to approach him. It was his first time out after his heat, he had locked himself in a holiday apartment with supplies and no intention of leaving until his heat was over, remembering his last heat he had cried at the pain but just couldn't bring himself to get relief. Now that it was over he needed to move on ,wary of staying in one place.

"I'm worried Jin," RM said to his mate," Jungkook is just existing, he's so worried about Jimin."
"I know and I have a feeling Jimin is probably the same."
The two males glumly thought about how they could possibly get their two friends together.
Jin suddenly jumped up, "that's it!"
"I have a plan but don't say anything in case it doesn't work!"
"Well babe as you haven't told me anything there's not much I can say ," RM said earning himself a punch on the arm.

"Hello,am I speaking to Park Jimin?"
"Er,yes who is this,"
"Oh hello Mr Park,I'm glad I caught you, this is your bank , I'm Mr Choi Sang ,thank you for giving us your new number, Er do you know someone called'Jin?'
"Yes,yes is he ok?"
"Oh yes Mr Park but he has come to us regarding yourself, he would like to take over ownership of the premises Er ,'the coffee pot' and the accompanying apartment, he said he realises this may be unexpected but as you no longer seem interested and he has been running it he would like to arrange with you the exchange?"
Jimin felt shaken but realised he had no intention of ever running the place again, much as he loved it there and the people he didn't think he'd be welcomed back." Of course Mr Choi, that seems a reasonable request I will get my lawyer onto it, goodbye."
After the phone call a sort of numbness spread over him, that was it then , no turning back, he suddenly realised the apartment held a lot of personal stuff he wanted, family photos , Knick knacks he'd collected and other things like the rest of his clothes, how could he get them? Mulling it over he decided he'd drive back , arrive evening time when no one was about pack his stuff up and leave all without being seen, then Jin could have the apartment and anything left in it. No one would know it was his car as he had changed his vehicle for a more economical one . Once he'd had the plan in his head he set off.

Jungkook stared at the dark apartment opposite, where was Jimin he wondered for the millionth time. Leaving his shop  he walked along the path on his way  home,thinking he'd go to a bar first patting his pockets he realised he'd left his wallet at work so turning around swiftly he walked back and picked his wallet up, locking the shop up again he made to leave before realising Jimins apartment was dimly  lit up ,who was there? He came to the conclusion it could be a thief as no car was parked at the back, cars were in the roadside but none of them were Jimins. He felt his temper rise , he wasn't going to allow it,how dare someone break into his mates home if they destroyed anything in there he would kill them!!
Quietly going up the stairs he listened at the door, he could hear faint noises, stepping back he kicked the door open roaring out as he went," come out now before I kill you," the same time as an ear piercing shriek was heard and he found himself face to face with his missing mate who promptly fainted on the spot, his nerves finally getting the better of him after weeks of stress and strain.

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