Female Foe

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Today Jimin opened his shop 'The Coffee Pot'. He was worried in case after all this his business wouldn't go well.
Playing on his mind also was the effect of his confrontation yesterday.He hated the way his body had reacted but also loved the feeling of belonging, something he'd not felt since his parents died, he was used to fending for himself, he'd had run ins before with Alphas who wanted him, but he'd managed to fend them off or simply move out of town. He convinced himself he'd only been vulnerable because he'd been stuck on the ladder.
Tae when he had come over gave him a good telling of for attempting it ,knowing he wasn't good with balancing especially at a height, Jimin refrained from telling him Jungkook had saved him , just because he knew Tae would have a field day with that news!
Three large sponge cakes sat in the glass cabinet in various flavours and cookies resided in a covered container.Jimin looking around to see if everything was turned on and ready, satisfied he flipped the sign to open and waited.
Jungkook had been watching the shop opposite anxiously, he really hoped Jimins business was a success. Before long his face was smiling in the two hours it had been open he'd seen a steady flow of customers go in and sit , also many with takeout cups. Feeling happier he concentrated on his own job, so didn't see Lisa and two of her friends step into Jimins shop.
"Hello, can I help you," Jimin asked the women who just came in. Two of them smiled at the stunning omega while the third gave him a disinterested look and asked for a table."If you would like to order here first and take a seat at one of the two empty tables?"Jimin asked.
Lisa tutted, "what sort of service is this ," she said loudly, her friends shushing her. Placing their orders they sat at a table near the window. Jimin soon brought their drinks over, each had ordered a slice of cake too.
The two friendly women tucked in, making sounds of delight over the delicious cake, which annoyed Lisa . She toyed with hers, although she was dying to eat all of the tempting cake,speaking up she said," it's very...basic in here isn't it,I mean I thought omegas learnt how to cook but this is disappointing."
Jimin heard what she said and worriedly came over,"Is something wrong Miss?"
"Oh I expect you tried the best you could, maybe you'll get better,"
"I'm sorry it's not to your taste," turning to the other two he asked quietly ,"I-Is yours ok?"
The two women nodded enthusiastically , earning a glare from Lisa.
"I'm sure he'd prefer to know the truth you don't have to make him feel better," she snapped at them.
Jimin felt unsure on who to believe, he looked around at the other customers who smiled at him, a voice came from behind the girls table.
"Lisa, being a bitch as usual." A sarcastic voice said.
"I'm just telling the truth,Suga," she huffed.
The small male who had spoken stood up and addressed the customers," ladies and gentlemen hands up if you think the cake in here is to die for?" Everyone bar Lisa's hand went up, the breath Jimin had been holding let out.
Lisa stood up glaring at Jimin and Suga before leaving . Her two friends apologised for her bad behaviour and asked for more cake and coffee. Jimin went to fetch it but before doing so thanked the man.
"Are you Tae's boyfriend ?"he asked recognising the name.
"That's me, nice to finally meet you, don't worry about Lisa she's always been a bitch,"
" I don't know why she targeted me though?"
"Because Jungkook likes you and she likes Jungkook but ignore her, by the way your shop is great , I will visit often," he nodded at the small boy and left.
The day wore on, it was a never ending flow,RM ,Jin and Jungkook came in late afternoon, after ordering they sat down Jimin bringing their order over, Jin introduced RM and then Jimin left them too it, keeping his eyes off Jungkook but aware of his scent like sandlewood wrapping around his nostrils putting his wolf on alert.
Jungkook stared at the boy, noticing how tired he looked, he cleared a table once the people left, Carrying the full tray stumbling slightly at the weight but then it was lifted from his hands by Jungkook and carried to the kitchen before the Alpha returned to his table.
The door opened and Tae, Suga and another male walked in, "can't stay away", laughed Suga to Jimin who's face creased into a beautiful smile,Tae introduced Hoseok,
"Hobi," the man said.
The three ordered and went and sat with Jin and friends.
"God, I'm going to be as fat as a house if I keep coming here,"Suga said grinning.
Jungkook felt jealous of Sugas reaction to Jimin and the smile Jimin had given the other.
"Don't worry sweetie I know of a good way to keep your weight down ," Tae said winking at the other, as Hobi laughed.
"Hey Jungkook, you want to watch your bitches around Jimin,"Suga said seriously.
"What do you mean?" Jungkook huffed.
Suga told him about Lisa and what she had done in the morning," she's a bitch and I'm sure it won't be the last Jimin hears from her, just because your a hoe, doesn't mean Jimin should pay for it."
Jungkooks face turned red, usually proud of his achievements, he now felt embarrassed that someone he regarded as a fling had upset his mate.
"Aw ,Jimin looks shattered must have been busy today," Jin said walking over to the counter to chat to the boy," hey Jimin so business been good?"
"Yes much better than expected, I'm pleased,"
"You look tired make sure you rest when you close up."
"Can't do that Jin, I have cakes to bake for tomorrow , it seemed people liked them.....oh except one person," he finished sadly.
"I heard, Lisa right,ignore her she's toxic, how about I bake tonight snd bring them early tomorrow , I can spend a while helping if you want?"
"I don't want to put you out," jimin rushed out.
"Nonsense , I like the feel of it here,"
"Ok , we will work out a price for the cakes you make and work you do."
"No, tomorrow is a welcome gift from me, after that we will see,ok?"
"Ok," the small boy nodded grateful that after closing up he could go home and to sleep.
Eventually, the shop emptied, Jimin washed everything up, cleaned the floor and wiped the counters before shutting up shop.
Making his way to the side stairs he gasped as a shadowy figure stepped away from the wall, heart pounding he froze on the spot before a voice said,"Jimin it's me, I heard you had some trouble with Lisa, I apologise,"
"Jungkook!" Jimin let out a shaky breath before saying," well I hope all your girlfriends don't want to pick a fight with me as I'll be very busy if that's the case!"
Jungkook again felt embarrassment flood over him," you won't have to worry about that anymore, they are gone it's just you."
"I've told you, I have no intention of gaining a mate, so don't give up your thrills for me,I have no feelings for you!"Jimin dismissed him, stepping forward to go up the stairs, when a hand grabbed him and pushed him against the shadowy wall.A pair of lips slammed onto his, biting his bottom lip to gain entrance and discovering the recesses inside with his tongue. Small moans came from Jimin and he found himself pressing towards the others body , feeling the tall Alphas bulging member as he leant against it, this shook him out of his cocoon he was in and he pushed the Alpha away," I don't want you," he yelled.
Jungkook smirked ," you can lie all you want with your mouth but your body doesn't lie," he said glancing down to the bulge in Jimins trousers, he made to grab Jimin again but the small boy ducked under his arm and ran up the stairs as fast as he could , unlocking the door quickly before getting in slamming the door shut snd locking it, hearing the Alphas laugh as he did.
Damn it but that Alpha was getting to him! He would need to watch himself!

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