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Dad hadn't so much as looked at me since he found out that I knew Bella was okay. I sigh, walking into the kitchen, Jacob following closely behind. "Baby, he's gonna forgive you." He promises, setting his hands on my hips. "No, no, he's not," I mumble, running my hands down my face. "I lied to him, Jake. I lied to him, for so long, about his favorite daughter." "Favorite daughter?" Dad asks from the doorway. "Is that what you think the issue is?" He almost barks. I've never seen my father this angry, it's kind of frightening. "The issue is that you lied to me about her!"

"I had to! They wouldn't let me tell you otherwise!" My voice starts to rise and it turns into a screaming match. "You could've at least told me she was alive!" "I couldn't! Why can't you understand that?" He groans, throwing his head back, and running his hands down his face. "I just want to know why." He finally says. "Why what?" "Why do you think she's my favorite. Why you didn't tell me. Why everyone has been acting so crazy and unhelpful." I shake my head, leaning against Jacob. "I can't do all of that." "Why not, Elizabeth?" "I just can't."

He sighs, nodding. "Need to know?" "Need to know." He nods again as Jacob leans forward. "We're gonna head to the Cullens, we've been gone for a day and they're probably wondering where we are." Dad nods, walking out and upstairs. When the bathroom door shuts I turn to Jacob, letting out the breath I wasn't aware I was holding. "I feel bad." "He just yelled at you and you feel bad?" He laughs, shaking his head. "I yelled back," I state. "Let's get going, come on." He wraps his arm around my waist, walking me out of the house. "I'm tired, Jake. I really don't want to go."

"We'll sleep when we get there, I know you were up last night." My mouth drops open as I look at him. "How did you-" "I heard the DVD player turn on. You only watch DVDs when you can't sleep." I huff, knowing he's right. "We're not actually going to the Cullens." He tells me when we're in the car. "Really?" I can feel my face light up as I look at him. "We're going to my house. Dad wanted to see me." I nod, smiling at him. We sit in the garage after talking to Billy when Sam walks in. "Sam." I grab Jacob's attention when I say the man's name. We stand, Jacob dropping what he was doing when Sam shakes his hand, nodding toward me.

Everything was working itself out. I carefully sit back down, eyeing Sam when he doesn't leave. "Anything else, Sam?" I ask. "I figured I owe you a genuine apology. I'm sorry for the way the pack and I behaved." Jacob nods, sticking his hand out again. When their hands connect Jacob pulls him in for a hug. "No hard feelings." I smile at the two who pull apart, Sam leaves and Jacob turns to me. "That went well." I laugh, standing and walking to him. I wrap my arms around his waist, kissing his jaw. "I'm glad you and Sam are friends again." He wraps his arms around me, smiling. "Me too."

a/n: suuuuuuuuuper short

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