31// the date part 2

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Calix led me to the room where everyone was sitting and chatting, waiting or already eating their food.

Just like he said, there was good music and a small dance floor. Just as he was leading me to the dance floor, my eyes met another pair.

Those damn green eyes.

Greyson was staring right at me.

We held eye contact as I stopped walking. Calix turned around, confused why I stopped walking.

"Isabella? Everything okay?" He asked. He looked the same direction I was looking and his gaze stopped on Greyson.

"Who's-" Calix said but I cut him of with a small gasp as he stood up and walked towards us.

His friends he was sitting with looked confused at him suddenly standing up and walking away.

"Isabella? What are you doing here? Who's that?" He asked. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I was still in shock but I snapped myself out of it.

"Greyson, this is Calix, Calix this is Greyson." I said fast. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I asked first." He said with one eyebrow raised.

"She's here with me." Calix said as he took a step closer to Greyson. I grabbed his arm and pulled him next to me.

"Easy there Calix. I got this." I said as I looked at him. He kept his gaze focused on Greyson but eventually turned to me and we locked eyes.

I slowly nodded and he relaxed for a bit.

"Do your brothers know?" He asked.

"No, and let's keep it that way." I said with narrowed eyes, Apollo sensing my anger started growling at Greyson. Greyson looked confused at Apollo but Apollo started to show his teeth.

"You can't ask that from me, Isabella." He said, looking back up at me.

"I just did, it's up to you if you want to be on my bad side or not." I said, taking a step closer as he visually gulped when Apollo also took a step closer.

Yeah, better be scared pretty boy, Apollo is my bodyguard and he's ready to bite anyone's ass.

"Look, I can't let you out with juts a random guy." He said looking straight back at me.

"He's not a random guy."

"I'm not a random guy." Me and Calix both said angry at the same time.

"You're fifteen Isabella-" He started but Apollo cut him off with a bark.

"And you're not my dad." I said back, getting annoyed now.

"Isabella, I'm just trying to protect you. You're like my little sister." He said with pleading eyes.

Hold up.

Did I just get sister zoned?

"What?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, it's the bro code. My best friend's sister is like my sister." He shrugged with a small smile.

"Good to know." I said a little shocked.

My crush just called me his sister. Great.

"I'm calling-"

"No." I said coldly.

"No?" He said with a raised eyebrow and a don't-you-dare-to-fight-me-on-this look.

"No." I shrugged. "Because if you do that, Greyson dear, you're about to meet the side my brothers met when they forced me to do that stupid test." I said, slowly looking him deadly in the eye.

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