18// the whole package

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The whole family is coming?

"What?" I asked Lorenzo in a tired and confused voice.

"Shhh, go to sleep Bella. I'll explain everything tomorrow morning." I felt my eyes getting heavier as Lorenzo started to draw on my arms.

"They're going to absolutely love you Isabella." He whispered and I hugged him closer what made him laugh.

"Please never leave me Enzo." I said in a small voice.

"I couldn't even dream of it cariño."

And with that, I entered the magical scene they called night.


Okay, if I would say I was freaking out, it would be an understantment.

I was losing my shit.

"Isabella calm down-"

"The whole freaking family?! Holy meatballs, I'm about to shit my pants." I was pacing across the room while Lorenzo was standing next to my bed, looking at me amused.

"What if they don't like me? Or worse, what if they think I'm like mother?" My hands went to my hair, even thinking about it made me nauseous. Lorenzo's playfull glare was replaced with a serious one.

"They would never think that Isabella. Your aunts have been dying to meet you. If it wasn't for their business, they would have been here an hour before you came. They love you." He said while walking to me and lifting me up. 

We were hugging now like we always do, in the koala way.


"No buts Isabella."

"But butts are nice." I said with a huge grin and Lorenzo started to chuckle.

"I swear it scares me how much similar you are to your brothers."

"Ouch, I feel offended." I said cheeky and he started to chuckle again "How many aunts do I have?"


"How many cousins do I have?"


"I HAVE TEN COUSINS? Me is dead." I said dramatically. Lorenzo chuckled, still holding me like a koala with my head on his shoulder.

"Wait how many males are-"

"With me and your brothers, eighteen males and three other females besides you."

"I want white flowers on my funeral and the song 'hurt' from Johnny Cash played on it, thank you." 

We laughed a little more until it was time for me to get changed.

"How are the cramps?" Lorenzo asked.

"They feel like death."

"When you come home, I'll have some warm towels and food laying ready, okay?" He kissed my forehead and I nodded. He gave me a glare and I said a quick 'that would be amazing.' He smiled at me and before he walked out, he faced me.

"Emilio bought you another sweater last night, he would love it if you would wear it to school today." And with that he left the room. I turned to my closet and the hoodie immediately cought me eye. I started to smile, I put it on and matched it with some black ripped pants and some converses. I did my hair in two french braids.

(The hoodie)

(The hoodie)

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