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Your POV:

I step closer "mom" my mother places her glass down on the counter. Silence. Nothing but utter silence as I stand watching my mom hang her head seemingly lost in thought."How long has this been happening?" I look over and glance at Billie "Um about four months." My mother scoffs in disbelief. "Four months. Four fucking months Billie you've been walking into MY house acting like my friend all the while you were sleeping with my daughter!" I flinch at my mothers sharp words.

"Y/m/n, look we were going to tell you-" "when Billie!" my mom cuts her off. "Mom please just listen" she huffs and begins walking towards me. "And you. I can believe you sleeping around with other girls. That's to be expected, but with Billie? What the hell is wrong with you? She practically raised you. She watched you grow up." I hang my head and refuse to allow the tears gathering in my eyes to fall. Billie steps in front of me "it wasn't her fault. I made the first move. I should have known better" my mom scoffs.

I look up at Billie feeling my heart clench.
Does she regret everything?
"Yes it's very unconventional but...I love your daughter. Truly, I do and no matter whether you accept us or not I'm never going to stop loving your daughter." My mom closes her eyes and tries to calm herself down. I step beside Billie and interlace our fingers together. My mom looks down at our hands momentarily before turning around and grabbing her glass, taking a big gulp.

"Mom I love Billie. She's kept me on track. She's held me while I cried. Mom, you know Billie better than anyone. Who else would you trust more to love me. She's loving, patient, protective, honest, gentle. She's everything you always wanted me to find in a girl." I release Billies hand and walk towards my mother. I stand in front of her and look into her eyes. "Mom please- I don't think I can ever be truly happy knowing you won't accept us. You're my mother I love and respect you but if you don't want to at least try to accept Billie and I...then...then you give me no choice but to not accept you as well." I let my tears fall.

Billie places a hand on my back. My mother looks between Billie and I "I-I need some time to process everything, please." She slips out from between me and the counter and walks away upstairs. I stand there frozen. The jelly memories of my mother and I laughing and making breakfast, lunch and dinner in the kitchen run through my head. The familiar memories become distant as I stand still allowing my body to break down, until Billie wraps her arms around my waist from behind. I fall into her embrace and quietly sob. "Come on let's go home." Billie wraps one arm around my shoulder and walks me out.

I want to go back to my apartment so Billie drives us there. As soon as we pull up I hop out of the car and run to unlock the door. I swing it open and frantically walk through the entrance looking for my bsf. She hears the noise and comes walking out of her room with a baseball bat. I chuckle before I run into her embrace. She immediately wraps her arms around me leaning the bat against the wall. I hear her say 'hey' to Billie. But keeps me in her embrace.

She walks us over to the couch where I'm sat between her and Billie. "What happened babe?" She softly asks me, tears threatening to fall from her eyes simply just seeing me so broken. I explain to her what happened. "Oh baby come here." I crawl into her lap and let her scratch my head while Billie rubs soothing circles on my legs. "I'm sure she'll come around. She wouldn't be able to withstand the loss of her daughter and her best friend. Plus if she can handle your 18th birthday party Instagram account I'm sure she can handle this." I giggle a bit and nod my head.

Billie and I end up staying the night in my room. Currently we're laying in bed my head on Billies lap as she reads to me and plays with my hair. I eventually drift off to sleep and wake up in the middle of the night to my head pounding.
Ouch! It's probably because of all my crying yesterday.
I groan and sit up. Billie is sound asleep laying on her stomach her hair sprawled out on the pillow. I smile and get up deciding to get some pain medicine and a water.

I sit on top of the counter and cross my legs. I allow my mind to run. Thoughts of how ally my mom and I were. How open and accepting our relationship was. As much as I want to hate her for acting this way. I can understand. Her best friend and her daughter were going behind her back and sleeping with each other. I was planning on telling her. I just didn't know when. I was afraid, afraid of how she will react. I should have told her sooner. Would that have made a difference? Or would she have shut it down completely before it even began.

Will she ever accept us? Will I ever get my mother back?


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