14. Two Weeks to Build the Relationship

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Everything was blue. Or, at least, blue was the only color I could see.

Maybe that was his power. Like a male medusa, he'd trap girls with his gaze and make them forget about anything else. It was like an infinite spring, with swirling azure and green in his eyes, so vivid and breathtaking. But there was something more there, something hidden behind shades of color. Something I suddenly wanted to uncover for a whole different reason than a plot to take him down...

Snap out of it!

"Pudding," I yelled out, shaking my head to try and dispel whatever enchantment those eyes put me under.

Shit. It came to me just a second too late that screaming that out might not be seen as the most normal of things. For a split second, I even dared to hope that maybe he hadn't heard that.

Noah raised both eyebrows, tilting his head. "What?"

Lord have mercy, maybe there was still a way out of this.


"You just said pudding," he insisted, much to my complete and utter dismay.

Why do people always ask what when they clearly heard what you said?

And so it begins. The battle of wits.

"Nope. Must be hearing things." I shrugged, trying to play it cool as I shuffled on my feet, itching to just sprint to class and leave this whole scene behind.

"Pretty sure I wasn't." Noah's smirk made it obvious leaving this scene behind was the last thing on his mind. "Did you... want pudding?"

"No, I don't like pudding."

"You don't like pudding?" he asked, confusion and amusement seeping out of every crease of his face.

Not that I blamed him for that reaction, after all I did just scream the word at him. Mentally facepalming myself, I pressed my lips together and shook my head.

"No. I think the texture is... weird." I mumbled, glancing at Noah quickly.

He still had the same amused smirk on his face, as if he'd just caught me trying to sneak a cookie from the forbidden cookie jar.

"Noted," Noah said and raised an eyebrow with an unspoken question.

A question that was definitely not going to get answered. Because how would I even explain that outburst?

You see, Noah, I was so busy staring at your eyes that I lost myself in them and needed to distract myself with something I disliked with a passion to remind myself I disliked you with a passion.

Makes sense. Totally. Wouldn't make me seem strange at all.

Then again, could I even really claim I still disliked him with a passion? It sure started out that way, but now, it felt more like my burning hate had simmered down to a medium tolerance. My once strong, aggressive bark had become a pathetic, silent yip.

"I should get to class." I sighed, trying to swallow down the disappointment I felt in myself as I turned around.

"I'll walk with you."

I didn't manage to take a single step before Noah's arm slipped around my shoulder and he casually strode next to me. Before I could even complain about it, he cleared his throat and continued.

"Anyway, it's Friday."

"Is it? Wow, so lucky I have you in my life, I mean how else would I keep track of time? It's not like they invented a thing that helps you keep track of the days such as, perhaps, a calendar," I kept muttered, rolling my eyes. 

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