13. Two Weeks to Flirt with the Flirt

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This was the first day of not going to school with Noah since we started dating.

The sane part of me felt relieved. The messed up part of me thought it felt weird. I paced around Melissa's room, sitting down on the bed before getting up a few seconds later. There was humming coming from the bathroom and I let out a sigh at Melissa's casual way of getting ready that was going to make us casually miss the first class. 

"Mel, are you ready yet?" I called out, stomping to Melissa's open bathroom door.

"Hakuna your tatas, Sky." Melissa clicked her tongue at me, shooting me an impatient look. Her hand motioned over her face and body before she continued. "Perfection takes time."

"Well, I hope Miss Perfect gets us to school on time." I mumbled, walking back to her bed.

"Ye' of little faith." Melissa's voice rang from the bathroom before the humming started up again.

Normally, I wasn't this anxious in the morning. For example, usually, when my phone chimed with an incoming text I wouldn't almost fall over my own feet at the sound. Usually.

Now though? I could feel my heartbeat in my throat, nervousness spreading throughout my body before I even saw who the message was from.

The name Jerkface displayed clearly on my screen with a neat little two new messages notification right under it. Biting down on my lip, for a few seconds, I debated whether I should even open his messages but my natural curiosity ended up winning over.

 Biting down on my lip, for a few seconds, I debated whether I should even open his messages but my natural curiosity ended up winning over

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I resented that the text made me instantly smile and, even more so, the way my heart stuttered. Noah was just being Noah. Surely, this was just his usual quirky Casanova attitude that made everyone so spellbound by him in the first place. It didn't mean anything

Narrowing my eyes at the phone as if it did me a world of wrong, I quickly typed in a response.

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Two Weeks to Fall in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now